Centre of Excellence for Innovations in Breeding of
Climate-Resilient Crops

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CARINA project kick off meeting

Kick-off meeting of the consortium of the project "Carinata and camelina boasting the sustainable diversification in agricultural production [...]

AgroServ Kick off meeting

Three members from our Centre (dr Dragana Miladinović, dr Ankica Kondić Špika and dr Dragana Trkulja) participated at [...]

  • Dragana Miladinović presents project Cropinno at the 1st TwiNSol-CECs Workshop

Presentation of CROPINNO project

Dr Dragana Miladinović presented our latest Horizon Europe project - CROPINNO at 1st TwiNSol-CECs Workshop, at the Faculty of Technology [...]

  • Kao institut koji se bavi oplemenjivanjem, koristimo svoje istraživačke kapacitete da podržimo aktivnosti oplemenjivanja i selekcije

Lecture at Matica srpska

dr Ana Marjanović Jeromela gave a lecture at Matica srpska, the oldest Serbian literary, cultural and scientific society. [...]