Ratarstvo i povrtarstvo, 2014 Vol. 51, Issue 1

Breeding of minor fodder crops for sustainable agriculture
Vymyslicky Tomas
pp. 1-6; doi: 10.5937/ratpov51-4896

Yield stability in pigeon pea hybrids [Cajanus cajan (L.) Millsp.] under varying agro-climatic regions
Chand Uttam, Tikle Ashok Narayan, Kumar Niraj, Saxena Kul Bhushan, Chaudhari Sunil
pp. 7-17; doi: 10.5937/ratpov51-5326

Effect of drying methods on essential oil yield, total phenol content and antioxidant capacity of peppermint and dill
Ayyobi Hossein, Peyvast Gholam-Ali, Olfati Jamal-Ali
pp. 18-22; doi: 10.5937/ratpov51-5077

The prediction of heterosis based on the phenotypic distance of sweet maize parental lines
Babić Vojka, Srdić Jelena, Pajić Zorica, Grčić Nikola, Filipović Milomir
pp. 23-28; doi: 10.5937/ratpov51-5915

Effect of biostimulators on sunflower germination energy and seed germination
Miladinov Zlatica, Radić Velimir, Miklič Vladimir, Crnobarac Jovan, Balalić Igor, Jocković Milan, Mrđa Jelena
pp. 29-37; doi: 10.5937/ratpov51-5625

Assessing tomato drought tolerance based on selection indices
Brdar-Jokanović Milka, Pavlović Suzana, Girek Zdenka, Ugrinović Milan, Zdravković Jasmina
pp. 38-45; doi: 10.5937/ratpov51-5887

The issue of determining the amount of deposited nitrogen compounds in salt-affected habitats within the national ecological network
Kicošev Vesna, Vasin Jovica, Kvaščev Milan, Bibin Miloš, Bošnjak Ivan, Đukić Dragan, Senji Laslo
pp. 46-54; doi: 10.5937/ratpov51-5659

Legume improvement program at AVRDC – The World Vegetable Center: Impact and future prospects
Nair Ramakrishnan, Schafleitner Roland, Easdown Warwick, Ebert Andreas, Hanson Peter, D’arros Hughes Jacqueline, Donough Heber Keatinge John
pp. 55-61; doi: 10.5937/ratpov51-5488

Significance of genetic resources of cool season annual legumes, I: Crop wild relatives
Mikić Aleksandar, Mihailović Vojislav
pp. 62-82; doi: 10.5937/ratpov51-4896



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