Dr. Vladimir Miklič (vladimir.miklic@nsseme.com ), as a chairman of 20th International Sunflower Conference (https://isc2020.com/ ) that will be organized 20-23.06.2022. in Novi Sad, Serbia, by Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops, Novi Sad, Serbia ( https://ifvcns.rs/en / https://nsseme.com/en/ ) and International Sunflower Association (https://www.isasunflower.org/ ), would like to inform you that after 2 years of postponing due to Covid-19 situation, the conference will be finally held this year. This conference is biggest events of its kind, being organized every 4 years. We expect 400-500 participants from all around the world covering all fields of research on sunflower. It would be our honor if you decide to participate at this conference, all details you can find on our website.