Legumes department
The main activity of the Legumes Department includes the breeding of plants, mainly from the family of legumes, in order to obtain high-yielding varieties, which have different tolerances to biotic and abiotic stress, and a diverse chemical composition. Breeding takes place in two directions: (1) creation of varieties and (2) pre-breeding, which involves the use of genetic resources and the introduction of new traits into adapted germplasm. The basic breeding programs are: Breeding grain legumes and breeding forage legumes; production and processing of seeds of varieties produced in the department, activities are directed towards the production of sufficient quantities of high-quality seeds of different categories, maintenance and fertilization of seeds, processing and packaging of seeds; cultivation practices – finding the optimal cultivation technology of certain plant species and determining the optimal values for certain agro-technical operations in order to realize the full genetic potential of the fertility of the varieties, activities are aimed at obtaining the optimal cultivation technology, which will have the maximum economic effect and minimal impact on the environment, stress research (biotic and abiotic) – in the function of breeding (resistance and tolerance of selection material) and in the function of monitoring the occurrence of plant diseases, pests, climate and other abiotic factors.
Legumes Department includes Section for Microbiological Preparations, and its main activity is the production and improvement of the quality of microbiological preparations for leguminous agricultural and vegetable plant species, testing the effect of bacterization (inoculation) with effective strains on agricultural and vegetable plant species, selection and characterization of highly effective strains of soil microorganisms (biofertilizers, biostimulators, biopesticides, etc.), monitoring the soil microbiological activity – microorganisms as indicators of soil quality/fertility.
Dr. Vuk Đorđević, Head of Legumes Department
Dr. Vuk Đorđević was born in Novi Sad on January 6, 1979. He graduated from the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Novi Sad in 2002. In 2007, he obtained his Master’s degree at the Faculty of Agriculture, University of Novi Sad, majoring in genetics and plant breeding. In 2010, he defended his doctoral thesis entitled “Biochemical characterization of high-protein soybean genotypes” at the Faculty of Agriculture of the University of Belgrade, Department of Genetics and Plant Breeding.
In 2008, Dr. Vuk Đorđević completed his six-month postdoctoral training in soybean genetics, breeding and physiology at Iowa State University, IA, USA. He was appointed Research Assistant in 2011, Research Associate in 2017, and Principal Research Fellow in 2022. He has been employed at the Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops, National Institute of the Republic of Serbia since 2003. Dr. Vuk Đorđević focuses his research on soybean genetics and breeding. In the period 2018-2020, he managed the team of breeders at the Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops. From 2020 to 2022, he was the Head of the Department of Genetics and Plant Breeding. Since 2022, he has been the Head of the Department of Legumes. He was appointed a member of the Board of Directors of the Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops Novi Sad in 2023.
Dr. Vuk Đorđević has published over 250 scientific results – research papers, chapters in monographs, announcements at international and national conferences. Most of the published research papers are focused on genetics and plant breeding. He has authored and co-authored 75 soybean cultivars, which have been registered and realized in Serbia and abroad. The Hirsch index is 15 (Scopus, 2023). He was a member of the dissertation committee and/or mentor in several doctoral dissertations. He organized two international conferences dedicated to legumes. He is one of the founders of the International Legume Society ILS, and a member of numerous scientific and technical associations. So far, he participated as a member of the project team, leader of the work package or project coordinator in over 20 projects supported by the Republic of Serbia (Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development, Provincial Secretariat for Science, Fund for Science), by the European Union (Seventh Framework program, Horizon 2020, Horizon Europe), and by other international institutions.
Dr. Vuk Đorđević is a member of The Serbian Genetic Society (vice-president of the Breeding Section), Serbian Association of Plant Breeders and Seed Producers, and Center of Excellence for Legumes. He is a reviewer of numerous international journals.
Dr. Vuk Đorđević, Head of Legumes Department
- Rešenjem Ministarstva poljoprivrede i zaštite životne sredine Republike Srbije br. 320-04-1874/2/2014-11 priznata je sorta soje NS ATLAS. Autori: Dr Vuk Đorđević, dr Miloš Vidić, dr Jegor Miladinović
- Rešenjem Ministarstva poljoprivrede i zaštite životne sredine Republike Srbije br. 320-04-1878/2/2014-11 priznata je sorta soje NS BAMBI. Autori:Dr Miloš Vidić, dr Jegor Miladinović, dr Vuk Đorđević
- Rešenjem Ministarstva poljoprivrede i zaštite životne sredine Republike Srbije br. 320-04-1867/2/2014-11 priznata je sorta soje NS KALISTO. Autori: Dr Vuk Đorđević, dr Miloš Vidić, dr Jegor Miladinović
- Rešenjem Ministarstva poljoprivrede i zaštite životne sredine Republike Srbije br. 320-04-1868/2/2014-11 priznata je sorta soje NS BELATRIX. Autori:Dr Jegor Miladinović, dr Miloš Vidić, dr Vuk Đorđević
- Rešenjem Ministarstva poljoprivrede i zaštite životne sredine Republike Srbije br. 320-04-1869/2/2014-11 priznata je sorta soje NS KOLOS. Autori:Dr Jegor Miladinović, dr Miloš Vidić, dr Vuk Đorđević
- Rešenjem Ministarstva poljoprivrede i zaštite životne sredine Republike Srbije br. 320-04-1870/2/2014-11 priznata je sorta soje NS ALBUS. Autori:Dr Jegor Miladinović, dr Miloš Vidić, dr Vuk Đorđević
- Rešenjem Ministarstva poljoprivrede i zaštite životne sredine Republike Srbije br. 320-04-1871/2/2014-11 priznata je sorta soje NS OSKAR. Autori:Dr Miloš Vidić, dr Jegor Miladinović, dr Vuk Đorđević
- Rešenjem Ministarstva poljoprivrede i zaštite životne sredine Republike Srbije br. 320-04-2029/2/2013-11 od 19.01.2015 priznata je sorta soje. NS PANTERA. Autori:Dr Jegor Miladinović, dr Miloš Vidić, dr Vuk Đorđević
- Miladinović J., Vidić M., Đorđević V. (2015): NS PANTERA, sorta soje, priznata od strane Ministarstva poljoprivrede i zaštite životne sredine Republike Srbije, br. 320-04-2029/2/2013-11 od 19.01.2015.
- Miladinović J., Vidić M., Đorđević V. (2015): NS VULKAN, sorta soje, priznata od strane Ministarstva poljoprivrede i zaštite životne sredine Republike Srbije, br. 320-04-2028/2/2013-11 od 19.01.2015.
- Vidić M., Miladinović J., Đorđević V. (2015): NS VIZIJA, sorta soje, priznata od strane Ministarstva poljoprivrede i zaštite životne sredine Republike Srbije, br. 320-04-2022/2/2013-11 od 19.01.2015.
- Vidić M., Đorđević V. (2015): TAJFUN, sorta soje, priznata od strane Ministarstva poljoprivrede i ruralnog razvoja Rumunije, broj 1717.
- Vidić M., Đorđević V. (2015): TAJFUN, sorta soje, priznata od strane Ministarstva poljoprivrede Italije, broj 5320.
- Vidić M., Miladinović J., Đorđević V. (2014): NS GAZELA, sorta soje, priznata od strane Ministarstva poljoprivrede, trgovine, šumarstva i vodoprivrede Republike Srbije, br. 320-04-1029/2/2012-11 od 16.01.2014.
- Miladinović J., Vidić M., Đorđević V. (2013): KRISTINA, sorta soje, priznata od strane Ministarstva poljoprivrede Ukrajine, broj 130211.
- Miladinović J., Vidić M., Đorđević V. (2013): NS ZITA, sorta soje, priznata od strane Ministarstva poljoprivrede, trgovine, šumarstva i vodoprivrede Republike Srbije br. 320-04-668/2/2011-11 od 18.02.2013.
- Vidić M., Miladinović J., Đorđević V. (2013): NS FANTAST, sorta soje, priznata od strane Ministarstva poljoprivrede, trgovine, šumarstva i vodoprivrede Republike Srbije br. 320-04-661/2/2011-11 od 18.02.2013.
- Vidić M., Miladinović J., Đorđević V. (2013): NS PRINCEZA, sorta soje, priznata od strane Ministarstva poljoprivrede, trgovine, šumarstva i vodoprivrede Republike Srbije br. 320-04-663/2/2011-11 od 18.02.2013.
- Vidić M., Hrustić M., Miladinović J., Đorđević V. (2011): LUNA, sorta soje, priznata od strane Ministarstva poljoprivrede Italije, broj 12599.
- Vidić M., Hrustić M., Miladinović, J., Đorđević, V. (2011): GRACIA, sorta soje, priznata od strane Ministarstva poljoprivrede Belorusije, broj 2302.
- Vidić M., Hrustić M., Miladinović J., Đorđević V. (2010): LARISA, sorta soje, priznata od strane Ministarstva poljoprivrede Ukrajine, broj 10982.
- Vidić M., Đorđević V. (2010): TAJFUN, sorta soje, priznata od strane Ministarstva poljoprivrede, šumarstva i vodoprivrede Republike Srbije br. 320-04-2031/2/2008-08 od 19.02.2010.
- Hrustić M., Miladinović J., Đorđević V. (2010): ALEKSANDRA, sorta soje priznata od strane Ministarstva poljoprivrede, šumarstva i vodoprivrede Republike Srbije br. 320-04-2034/2/2008-08 od 19.02.2010.
- Miladinović J., Vidić M., Đorđević V. (2009): IRINA, sorta soje, priznata od strane Komisije za priznavanje sorti Rusije, broj 46683.
- Vidić M., Đorđević V. (2009): ISKRA, sorta soje, priznata od strane Ministarstva poljoprivrede, šumarstva i vodoprivrede Republike Srbije br. 320-04-1672/2/2007-08 od 10.03.2009.
- Hrustić M., Vidić M., Đorđević V. (2008): INA, sorta soje, priznata od strane Ministarstva poljoprivrede Ukrajine, broj 08175.
- Hrustić M., Vidić M., Đorđević V. (2007): TEA, sorta soje, priznata od strane Ministarstva poljoprivrede Italije, broj 10439.
- Vidić M., Hrustić M., Miladinović J., Đorđević V. (2006): GRACIA, sorta soje, priznata od strane Ministarstva poljoprivrede, šumarstva i vodoprivrede Republike Srbije – Odeljenje za priznavanje i zaštitu sorti poljoprivrednog bilja br. 320-09-723/2-2005-06 od 06.03.2006.
MSc Simona Bukonja
Research Assistant, National Institute of the Republic of Serbia
MSc Simona Bukonja, Research Assistant, National Institute of the Republic of Serbia
- 2023 – Research Assistant, Legumes Department, Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops, Novi Sad, Serbia
- 2020 – Research Trainee, Nutritional quality laboratory, Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops, Novi Sad, Serbia
- 2019-2020 Laboratory associate, Department of Soybean, Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops, Novi Sad, Serbia
Research interests:
- Biotechnology, nutritional quality, plant biochemistry, analysis of plant materials
- 2020 – PhD student, Department of Food Technology and Biochemistry, University of Belgrade, Faculty of Agriculture, Belgrade, Serbia
- 2019-2020 M. Sc. Engineer of technology, Department of Food Technology and Biochemistry, University of Belgrade, Faculty of Agriculture, Belgrade, Serbia
- 2015-2019 B. Sc. Engineer of technology, Department of Food Technology and Biochemistry, University of Belgrade, Faculty of Agriculture, Belgrade, Serbia
- Member of the Association of Food Technologists, Serbia
Profile links:
- Scholarship for extraordinarily talented students, Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development
- The best student of Faculty of Agriculture, Generation 2015
- The generation student at the Institute of Food Technology and Biochemistry
- Youth Talent Fund scholarship by the Republic of Serbia, Ministry of Youth and Sport
- English
- French (A2)
MSc Anja Dolapčev Rakić
Research Assistant, National Institute of the Republic of Serbia
MSc Anja Dolapčev, Research Assistant, National Institute of the Republic of Serbia
- 2020- Research Assistant, Legumes Department, Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops, Novi Sad, Serbia
- 2017-2020 Research Trainee, Forage Crops Department, Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops, Novi Sad, Serbia
- 2015-2017 Associate in breeding, Forage Crops Department, Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops, Novi Sad, Serbia
Research interests:
- genetics and breeding of forage sorghum and Sudan grass, genetic resources, phenotyping, forage sorghum and Sudan grass cultivation practices, forage crops, legumes
Major responsibilities:
- characterisation and evaluation of the forage sorghum and Sudan grass genetic resources collection, maintaining lines and creating and testing of the hybrid combinations
- 2015-2016 MSc in Agriculture, University of Belgrade, Faculty of Agriculture, Serbia
- 2010-2015 BSc in Agriculture, University of Belgrade, Faculty of Agriculture, Serbia
Post-doc, research visits, professional trainings:
- 21.11.2022-03.02.2023. Regional Training Course on Field Experimental Design and Data Analysis for the Advancement of Mutant Populations, within the project RER5024, “Enhancing Productivity and Resilience to Climate Change of Major Food Crops in Europe and Central Asia”, organized by International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
- 04-05.06.2019. GabonaKutato, Cereal Research Non-Profit Ltd. and National Agricultural Research and Innovation Centre (NAIK), Szeged, Hungary – research visit within the CORNUCOPIA project HUSRB/1602/41/0214
- 29-31.05.2018. 2nd course Advancements in Plant Breeding, Trial Design and Analysis, organized by Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops, Novi Sad in cooperation with UC Davis Plant Breeding Academy
International projects:
- 2021-2025 Horizon 2020 “Climate Resilient Orphan croPs for increased DIVersity in Agriculture”, CROPDIVA, 101000847, participant
- 2019-2023 COST Action “International Nucleome Consortium”, CA18127, participant
- 2018-2020 IPA “Competitive sustainability of agricultural enterprises through the development of new products with added value based on alternative plant species (CORNUCOPIA)”, HUSRB/1602/41/0214, young researcher
National projects:
- 2011-2019 “Increasing market significance of forage crops by breeding and optimizing seed production technology”, TR-31024, funded by Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia, participant
- Serbian Forage Crop Society
- Center of Excellence for Legumes
Profile links:
- English (fluent)
- Rusyn (fluent)
MSc Anja Dolapčev, Research Assistant, National Institute of the Republic of Serbia
- Milić, D., Milošević, B., Tatić, M., Katanski, S., Dolapčev, A. (2017): Priznata sorta krmnog sirka НС ДЖИН. ЎЗБЕКИСТОН РЕСПУБЛИКАСИ, ҚИШЛОҚ ВА СУ В ХЎЖАЛИГИ ВАЗИРЛИГИ, ҚИШЛОҚ ХЎЖАЛИК ЭКИНЛАРИ НАВЛАРИНИ СИНАШ ДАВЛАТ КОМИССИЯСИ, ГУВОҲНОМА No 561, 30. januar 2017.
Dr. Vojin Đukić, Growing Technology Advisor
Dr. Vojin Đukić, Senior Research Associate. He has been employed at the Soybean Department since 2004. Prior to that, he worked as a researcher at the Irrigation Department from 2002. He is engaged in activities of soybean cultivation practices. Earned his MSc degree in 2007 and PhD in 2010. He has published more than 180 scientific and technical papers.
Dr. Vojin Đukić, Growing Technology Advisor
- Rešenjem komisije za priznavanje sorti, Ministarstva poljoprivrede,šumarstva i vodoprivrede Republike Srbije broj 320-04-2498/2/2016-11, od 05.02.2018. godine priznata je sorta soje NS BAJKA (Prijava broj 320-04-2498/2016-11, od 17.03.2016. godine, autori: Vidić, Miloš, Tatić, Mladen i Đukić Vojin).
- Rešenjem komisije za priznavanje sorti, Ministarstva poljoprivrede i zaštite životne sredine Republike Srbije broj 320-04-2317/2/2015-11, od 13.03.2017. godine priznata je sorta soje NS LEPOTICA (Prijava broj 320-04-2317/2015-11, autori: Vidić, Miloš, Miladinović, Jegor i Đukić Vojin).
- Rešenjem komisije za priznavanje sorti, Ministarstva poljoprivrede i zaštite životne sredine Republike Srbije broj 320-04-2326/2/2015-11, od 13.03.2017. godine priznata je sorta soje NS VENTIS (Prijava broj 320-04-2326/2015-11, autori: Miladinović, Jegor, Vidić, Miloš, Đorđević, Vuk i Đukić Vojin).
- Rešenjem komisije za priznavanje sorti, Ministarstva poljoprivrede i zaštite životne sredine Republike Srbije broj 320-04-2327/2/2015-11, od 13.03.2017. godine priznata je sorta soje NS SPARTACUS (Prijava broj 320-04-2327/2015-11, autori: Miladinović, Jegor, Vidić, Miloš, Đorđević, Vuk i Đukić Vojin).
- Rešenjem komisije za ispitivanje sorti poljoprivrednih kultura, Ministarstva poljoprivrede Republike Uzbekistan broj 563 od 30.januara 2017. godine priznata je sorta ВИКТОРИЯ (Prijava broj 2012087/2014, autori Miladinović, Jegor, Balešević-Tubić, Svetlana, Vidić, Miloš, Đukić, Vojin, Đorđević, Vuk, Petrović, Kristina)
- Rešenjem komisije za ispitivanje sorti poljoprivrednih kultura, Ministarstva poljoprivrede Republike Uzbekistan broj 563 od 30.januara 2017. godine priznata je sorta ВИКТОРИЯ (Prijava broj 2012087/2014, autori Miladinović, Jegor, Balešević-Tubić, Svetlana, Vidić, Miloš, Đukić, Vojin, Đorđević, Vuk, Petrović, Kristina)
Aleksandar Ilić, BSc
Advisor for Commercial Seed Production and Control
BSc Aleksandar Ilić, Advisor for Commercial Seed Production and Control
BSc Aleksandar Ilić, Technical Associate. He has been employed at the Soybean Department since 2007 on seed production activites. Before Institute, he had worked at SGS.
Dr. Snežana Katanski
Senior Research Associate, National Institute of the Republic of Serbia
Dr. Snežana Katanski, Senior Research Associate, National Institute of the Republic of Serbia
- 2018- Research Associate, Legumes Department, Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops, Novi Sad, Serbia
- 2011-2018 Research Assistant, Forage Crops Department, Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops, Novi Sad, Serbia
- 2008-2011 Research Trainee, Forage Crops Department, Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops, Novi Sad, Serbia
Research interests:
- Alfalfa breeding; genetic resources; forage crops production & management
Major responsibilities:
- The use of different alfalfa breeding methods; development of modern and improvement of existing forage crops production technologies.
- 2010-2017 PhD in Agronomy, Department of Field and Vegetable Crops, University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Agriculture, Serbia
- 2008-2009 MSc in Field Crop Cultivation, Department of Field and Vegetable Crops, University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Agriculture, Serbia
- 2001-2007 BSc in Agriculture, Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Field and Vegetable Crops, University of Novi Sad, Serbia
Post-doc, research visits, professional trainings:
- 31.10-01.11.2019. – training within EUCLEG project “Genotyping methods and bioinformatics” and “Integration of passport and breeding data in existing and new databases, data analyses”, Brno, Czech Republic.
- 15-21.11.2019. – training course „Horizon 2020 Project Development, Proposal Writing and Project Management“, Novi Sad, Serbia, organized by EUTA European Training Academy.
International projects:
- 2022-2026 Horizon Europa „Achieving Ecological Resilient Dynamism for the European food system through consumer-driven polices, socio-ecological challanges, biodiversity, data-driven policy, sustainable futures (ECO-READY)“, 101084201, participant
- 2022-2024 Bilateral project Republic of Serbia – Republic of Belarus „Metabolic profiling and pharmaceutical potential of alfalfa, clover and soybean genotypes in Belarus and Serbia: development of a methodological platform and digital metabolome libraries for scientific application“, 337-00-00230/2022-09/11, paticipant
- 2020-2021 Bilateral project Republic of Serbia – Republic of Belarus „Development of efficient biopreparations for increasing productivity of new field pea genotypes in sustainable production systems in Belarus and Serbia“, 377-00-00216/2019-09/03, project coordinator
- 2019-2023 COST Action “International Nucleome Consortium”, CA18127, participant
- 2017-2021 HORIZON2020 „Breeding forage and grain legumes to increase EU’s and China’s protein self-sufficiency (EUCLEG)“, 727312, participant
- 2014-2017 FP7 „Legumes for the agriculture of tomorrow (LEGATO)“, 613551, participant
- 2015-2016 IPA Cross-border Co-operation Programme Serbia-Hungary „An interdisciplinary research on the past and present of legumes for a higher and sustainable protein production to the benefit of both Pannonian and European farmers in the future (PEASEMAKERS)“, HUSRB/1203/214/123, participant
National projects:
- 2011-2019 “Increase in the market share of forage crops by breeding and optimization of seed production technology”, TR-31024, funded by the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia, participant
- 2008-2010 “Multidisciplinary approach to breeding and production of forage crop seed for conventional and new uses”, TR-20090, funded by the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia, participant
- Scientific societies’ member: Serbian Forage Crop Society, Serbian Plant Physiology Society, Serbian genetic society
- Member of Center of Excellence for Legumes
Profile links:
- English
Dr. Snežana Katanski, Senior Research Associate, National Institute of the Republic of Serbia
- Mihailović V., Vasiljević S., Karagić Đ., Milić D., Katanski S., Živanov D. (2020): Priznata sorta ozime panonske grahorice NS Prima. Ministarstvo poljoprivrede, šumarstva i vodoprivrede, Uprava za zaštitu bilja, Republika Srbija. Rešenje broj: 320-04-01768/2017-11 od 14.01.2020. godine.
- Milić D., Milošević B., Tatić M., Dolapčev A., Katanski S. (2018): Realizovana sorta krmnog sirka NS Džin. Uzbekistan.
- Milić D., Karagić Đ., Milošević B., Katanski S. (2014): Priznata novostvorena sorta lucerke (Medicago sativa L.) NS Mediana ZMS V . № 764 ONSSA/DCPV/DCSP/SHV 26.12.2014. Rabat, Maroko.
Dr. Zlatica Mamlić
Research Associate, National Institute of the Republic of Serbia
Dr. Zlatica Mamlić, Research Associate, National Institute of the Republic of Serbia
Biography will be available soon …
Prof. Dr. Jegor Miladinović
Assistant Director for science
Prof. Dr. Jegor Miladinović, Principal Research Fellow, Assistant Director for science
- Since 2024 assistant director for science, Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops, Novi Sad
- 2021-2024 director, Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops, Novi Sad
- 2020 acting director, Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops, Novi Sad; full professor for Genetics and Plant Breeding Methods at the University Educons, Sremska Kamenica
- 2018 head of Department for Soybean, president of the Scientific Council, Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops, Novi Sad, coordinator of the European Soybean Breeding Network
- 2015 advisor for genetics and plant breeding, Department for Soybean, Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops, Novi Sad
- 2013-2015 acting director and director, Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops, Novi Sad
- 2010-2013 member of the Board of Directors, Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops, Novi Sad
- 2008 vice-president of the Committee for soybean cultivar release of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management of the Republic of Serbia
- 2007 principal research fellow, Department for Soybean, Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops, Novi Sad
- 2005-2011 head of Department for Soybean, Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops, Novi Sad
- 2005 senior research associate, Department for Soybean, Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops, Novi Sad
- 2000 research associate, Department for Soybean, Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops, Novi Sad
- 1997 research assistant, Department for Soil, Agroecology and Fertilizers, Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops, Novi Sad
- 1993 assistant on soybean breeding, Department for Soil, Agroecology and Fertilizers, Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops, Novi Sad
Research interests:
- Genetics, breeding, soybean
Major responsibilities:
- Soybean breeding
- 1997-1999 PhD in Biotechnology, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Novi Sad
- 1993-1997 MSc in Agriculture, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Novi Sad
- 1986-1992 BSC in Agriculture, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Novi Sad
Post-doc, research visits, professional trainings:
- 2000 Soybean breeding training at the North Carolina State University, Raleigh, SAD
- 2001 Changchun University of Agricultural and Animal Sciences, Changchun, China
International projects:
- 2024-2028 Valorisation of ecosystem services provided by legume crops (VALERECO, 101135472), Coordinator at the Institute
Project leader: Agricultural University of Athens, Greece - 2022-2027 Integrated services supporting a sustainable agroecological transition (AGROSERV, 101058020), participant
Project leader: Centre National de la recherche scintifique-CNRS, France - 2022-2027 Utilization of marginal lands for growing sustainable industrial crops and developing innovative bio-based products (MIDAS, 101082070), participant
- 2022-2026 Achieving Ecological Resilient Dynamism for the European food system through consumer-driven polices, socio-ecological challanges, biodiversity, data-driven policy, sustainable futures (ECO-READY, 101084201), participant
- 2022-2026 Carinata and camelina to boost the sustainable diversification in EU farming systems (CARINA, 101081839), participant
- 2022-2025 Bringing emphasis to operation: European infrastructure for multiscale plant phenomics and simulation for food security in a changing climate (EMPHASIS-GO, 1010079772), participant
- 2022-2025 Stepping up scientific excellence and innovation capacity for climate-resilient crop improvement and production (CROPINNO, 101059784), participant
- 2020-2024 Metabolic profiling and pharmaceutical potential of alfalfa, clover and soybean genotypes in Belarus and Serbia: development of a methodological platform and digital metabolome libraries for scientific application (337-00-00230/2022-09/11), bilateral cooperation Serbia – Belarus, participant
- 2020-2024 Enhancing Productivity and Resilience to Climate Change of Major Food Crops in Europe and Central Asia (МЕ-RER5024-1907364), participant
- 2020-2024 Epigenetic mechanisms of Crop Adaptation to Climate change (EPI-CATCH, CA19125), COST Action, participant
- 2018-2024 Increasing the efficiency and competitiveness of organic crop breeding (ECOBREED, 771367), participant
- 2018-2022 Translating knowledge for legume-based farming for feed and food systems (LEGUMES TRANSLATED, 817634), učesnik
- 2018-2020 Increasing the capacity for changes in the chemical composition of protein and oil crop grains (451-03-02141/2017-09/38), participant
- 2017-2021 Breeding forage and grain legumes to increase Eus and China’s protein self-sufficiency (EUCLEG, 727312), participant
- 2016-2017 Soybean – Protein Source for Europe (451-03-01039/2015-09/23), bilateral cooperation Serbia – Germany, with Bayeriche Landesanstalt für Landwirtschaft, Bayern, coordinator
- 2016 Regional cooperation to mitigate negative effects of global climate changes on soybean production through selective soybean breeding, within GIZ project Quality non-GMO soybean from the Danube region, participant
- 2015-2017 Soybean for human consumption (3-10), bilateral cooperation Serbia – China, with Soybean Institute, Heilongjiang Academy of Agricultural Sciences, participant
- Comparison of beneficial Legume-Microbe Interaction (266295-BLMI), FP7, participant
- 1999-2003 Testing of soybean varieties and production technology for agroecological conditions of Islamic Republic of Iran, Ministry of Agriculture, IR Iran, participant
- 1997-2002 Exploitation of the genetic potential of new high-yielding soybean genotypes, Changchun Univ. of Agri. and Animal Sci., NR Kina, participant
National projects:
- 2011-2019 An interdisciplinary approach to the development of new soybean cultivars and the improvement of cultivation and seed processing technology (TR 31022), project manager
- 2016-2019 Sustainable production of plant proteins: soybean, microorganisms, response to climate change (114-451-2739/2016-01), participant
- 2008-2010 Improvement and development of soybean breeding and production technology (TR 20094), participant
- 2005-2007 A multidisciplinary approach to soybean breeding and production technology for increased production (TR 6852.B), project manager
- 2002-2005 Textured soybean protein – flakes (soybean flakes) (BTN., participant
- 2002-2005 Extruded soybean feed (BTN., participant
- 2002-2004 Breeding for increasing soybean production (BTR.5.02.0404.B), participant
- 2002-2004 Seed science for increasing soybean production (BTR.5.02.0405.B), participant
- 1998-2000 Increasing the genetic yield potential and creating intensive technical-technological systems of industrial crop cultivation, subproject: Improving the production and quality of soybeans, participant
- 1996-2000 Creation and exploitation of the genetic potential of industrial crops (TR 12M14), subproject 8: Creation and exploitation of the genetic potential of soybeans, participant
- Serbian Genetic Society
- Serbian Association of Plant Breeders and Seed Producers
- Center of Excellence for Legumes
- Matica Srpska – permanent membership
Journal editing and reviewing:
- Editorial Board of international journal Plant Varieties Studying and Protection
- Editorial Board of national journal Ratarstvo i povrtarstvo
- Reviewer in international journal Scientific Reports
- Reviewer in international journal European Journal of Agronomy
- Reviewer in international journal Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry
- Reviewer in international journal Euphytica
Profile links:
- 2020 Soybean cultivar NS Blackstar, which was authored by him, was included into the list of the 20 most innovative cultivars in the European seed sector according to the international journal European Seed
- 2019 Selected as one of the 20 most innovative plant breeders in the European seed sector according to the international journal European Seed
- 2001 Prof. Lazar Stojković Award by the Matica Srpska, Novi Sad
- Soil, Plant and Genetics (Module: Field Crops), Master academic studies, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Novi Sad, 2 classes in the 1st semester in 2022/2023
- English
Prof. Dr. Jegor Miladinović, Principal Research Fellow, Assistant Director for science
- Dr Jegor Miladinović, dr Vuk Đorđević, dr Miloš Vidić, dr Svetlana Balešević-Tubić, dr Vojin Đukić (2019): NS BOREALIS, sorta soje priznata rešenjem komisije za priznavanje sorti, Ministarstva poljoprivrede, šumarstva i vodoprivrede Republike Srbije broj 320-04-2166/2/2017-11, od 19.02.2019.
- Dr Jegor Miladinović, dr Miloš Vidić, dr Vuk Đorđević, dr Vojin Đukić (2019): NS OLYMPUS, sorta soje priznata rešenjem komisije za priznavanje sorti, Ministarstva poljoprivrede, šumarstva i vodoprivrede Republike Srbije broj 320-04-2166/2/2016-11, od 19.02.2019.
- Dr Vuk Đorđević, dr Miloš Vidić, dr Jegor Miladinović (2019): NS MINA, sorta soje priznata rešenjem Ruskog Ministarstva poljoprivrede od 2019.
- Dr Jegor Miladinović, dr Miloš Vidić, dr Vuk Đorđević, dr Vojin Đukić (2019): NS VENTIS, sorta soje priznata rešenjem rumunske Komisije za priznavanje sorti, 2019.
- Dr Miloš Vidić, dr Jegor Miladinović (2019): NS ROMANSA, sorta soje priznata rešenjem rumunske Komisije za priznavanje sorti, 2019.
- Dr Miloš Vidić, dr Jegor Miladinović, dr Vuk Đorđević (2019): NS KRALJICA, sorta soje priznata rešenjem rumunske Komisije za priznavanje sorti, 2019.
- Dr Jegor Miladinović, dr Miloš Vidić, dr Vuk Đorđević (2019): NS KOLOS, sorta soje priznata rešenjem rumunske Komisije za priznavanje sorti, 2019.
- Dr Vuk Đorđević, Dr Miloš Vidić, dr Jegor Miladinović (2019): NS HOGAR, sorta soje priznata rešenjem rumunske Komisije za priznavanje sorti, 2019.
- Dr Miloš Vidić, dr Jegor Miladinović, dr Vojin Đukić (2019): NS DIJANA, sorta soje priznata rešenjem Ukrajinskog Ministarstva poljoprivrede br. 190637 od 15.02.2019.
- Dr Miloš Vidić, dr Jegor Miladinović (2018): NS RENESANSA, sorta soje priznata rešenjem rumunske Komisije za priznavanje sorti, 2018.
- Dr Vuk Đorđević, Dr Miloš Vidić, dr Jegor Miladinović (2018): NS ALTIS, sorta soje, priznata rešenjem rumunske Komisije za priznavanje sorti, 2018.
- Dr Miloš Vidić, dr Jegor Miladinović, dr Vuk Đorđević (2018): SAVA, sorta soje, priznata je rešenjem Ukrajinskog Ministarstva poljoprivrede br. 180460 od 2018.
- Dr Jegor Miladinović, dr Miloš Vidić, dr Vuk Đorđević, dr Vojin Đukić (2018): NS VULKAN, sorta soje, priznata je rešenjem Ukrajinskog Ministarstva poljoprivrede br. 180459 od 2018.
- Dr Jegor Miladinović, dr Miloš Vidić, dr Vuk Đorđević (2018): NS AURORA, sorta soje, priznata je rešenjem Ukrajinskog Ministarstva poljoprivrede br. 180458 od 2018.
- Dr Miloš Vidić, dr Jegor Miladinović (2018): NS KAĆA, sorta soje, priznata je rešenjem Ministarstva za kmetijstvo, gozdarstvo in prehrano Republike Slovenije br. U34320-20/2016-5 od 26.4.2018.
- Dr Jegor Miladinović (2018): NS BLACK STAR, sorta soje, priznata je rešenjem Ministarstva za kmetijstvo, gozdarstvo in prehrano Republike Slovenije br. U34320-19/2016-5 od 26.4.2018.
- Dr Vuk Đorđević, dr Jegor Miladinović, dr Miloš Vidić (2018): NS MINA, sorta soje, priznata od strane Ministarstva poljoprivrede i zaštite životne sredine Republike Srbije br. 320-04-2494/2/2016-11 od 06.02.2018.
- Dr Miloš Vidić, dr Jegor Miladinović, dr Vuk Đorđević, dr Vera Popović (2018): NS ZOJA, sorta soje, priznata od strane Ministarstva poljoprivrede i zaštite životne sredine Republike Srbije br. 320-04-2496/2/2016-11 od 06.02.2018.
- Dr Miloš Vidić, dr Jegor Miladinović, dr Vuk Đorđević (2018): NS BALADA, sorta soje, priznata od strane Ministarstva poljoprivrede i zaštite životne sredine Republike Srbije br. 320-04-2502/2/2016-11 od 06.02.2018.
- Dr Miloš Vidić, dr Jegor Miladinović, dr Vuk Đorđević, dr Mladen Tatić (2018): NS KOŠUTA, sorta soje, priznata od strane Ministarstva poljoprivrede i zaštite životne sredine Republike Srbije br. 320-04-2504/2/2016-11 od 06.02.2018.
- Dr Miloš Vidić, dr Jegor Miladinović, dr Vojin Đukić (2017): NS LEPOTICA, sorta soje, priznata od strane Ministarstva poljoprivrede i zaštite životne sredine Republike Srbije br. 320-04-2317/2/2015-11 od 13.03.2017.
- Dr Jegor Miladinović, dr Miloš Vidić, dr Vuk Đorđević, dr Vojin Đukić (2017): NS SPARTACUS, sorta soje, priznata od strane Ministarstva poljoprivrede i zaštite životne sredine Republike Srbije br. 320-04-2327/2/2015-11 od 13.03.2017.
- Dr Miloš Vidić, dr Jegor Miladinović, dr Vuk Đorđević (2017): NS BOLERO, sorta soje, priznata od strane Ministarstva poljoprivrede i zaštite životne sredine Republike Srbije br. 320-04-2328/2/2015-11 od 13.03.2017.
- Dr Jegor Miladinović, dr Miloš Vidić, dr Vuk Đorđević, dr Vojin Đukić (2017): NS VENTIS, sorta soje, priznata od strane Ministarstva poljoprivrede i zaštite životne sredine Republike Srbije br. 320-04-2326/2/2015-11 od 13.03.2017.
- Dr Vuk Đorđević, dr Miloš Vidić, dr Jegor Miladinović (2017): NS HOGAR, sorta soje, priznata od strane Ministarstva poljoprivrede i zaštite životne sredine Republike Srbije br. 320-04-2319/2/2015-11 od 13.03.2017.
- Dr Miloš Vidić, dr Jegor Miladinović, dr Vuk Đorđević (2017): NS KRALJICA, sorta soje, priznata od strane Ministarstva poljoprivrede i zaštite životne sredine Republike Srbije br. 320-04-2318/2/2015-11 od 13.03.2017.
- Dr Miloš Vidić, dr Jegor Miladinović, dr Vuk Đorđević (2017): NS HARIZMA, sorta soje, priznata od strane Ministarstva poljoprivrede i zaštite životne sredine Republike Srbije br. 320-04-2324/2/2015-11 od 13.03.2017.
- dr Miloš Vidić, dr Jegor Miladinović (2017): NS DIJANA, sorta soje, priznata od strane Rumunske komisije za priznavanje sorti 4014 od 08.05.2017.
- Dr Jegor Miladinović, dr Milica Hrustić, dr Miloš Vidić (2017): VIKTORIJA, sorta soje, priznata od strane Uzbekistanskog Ministarstva poljoprivrede br. 563 od 30.01.2017.
- Dr Miloš Vidić, dr Jegor Miladinović, dr Vuk Đorđević (2016): NS OSKAR, sorta soje, priznata od strane Ministarstva poljoprivrede i zaštite životne sredine Republike Srbije br. 320-04-1871/2/2014-11 od 03.03.2016.
- Dr Jegor Miladinović, dr Miloš Vidić, dr Vuk Đorđević (2016): NS ALBUS, sorta soje, priznata od strane Ministarstva poljoprivrede i zaštite životne sredine Republike Srbije br. 320-04-1870/2/2014-11 od 03.03.2016.
- Dr Jegor Miladinović, dr Miloš Vidić, dr Vuk Đorđević (2016): NS KOLOS, sorta soje, priznata od strane Ministarstva poljoprivrede i zaštite životne sredine Republike Srbije br. 320-04-1869/2/2014-11 od 03.03.2016.
- Dr Jegor Miladinović, dr Miloš Vidić, dr Vuk Đorđević (2016): NS BELATRIX, sorta soje, priznata od strane Ministarstva poljoprivrede i zaštite životne sredine Republike Srbije br. 320-04-1868/2/2014-11 od 03.03.2016.
- Dr Vuk Đorđević, dr Miloš Vidić, dr Jegor Miladinović (2016): NS KALISTO, sorta soje, priznata od strane Ministarstva poljoprivrede i zaštite životne sredine Republike Srbije br. 320-04-1867/2/2014-11 od 03.03.2016.
- Dr Miloš Vidić, dr Jegor Miladinović (2016): NS RENESANSA, sorta soje, priznata od strane Ministarstva poljoprivrede i zaštite životne sredine Republike Srbije br. 320-04-1873/2/2014-11 od 03.03.2016.
- Dr Miloš Vidić, dr Jegor Miladinović (2016): NS BAMBI, sorta soje, priznata od strane Ministarstva poljoprivrede i zaštite životne sredine Republike Srbije br. 320-04-1878/2/2014-11 od 03.03.2016.
- Dr Vuk Đorđević, dr Miloš Vidić, dr Jegor Miladinović (2016): NS ATLAS, sorta soje, priznata od strane Ministarstva poljoprivrede i zaštite životne sredine Republike Srbije br. 320-04-1874/2/2014-11 od 03.03.2016.
- Dr Jegor Miladinović (2016): NS BLACKSTAR, sorta soje, priznata od strane Ministarstva poljoprivrede i zaštite životne sredine Republike Srbije br. 320-04-1875/2/2014-11 od 03.03.2016.
- Dr Jegor Miladinović, dr Miloš Vidić, dr Vuk Đorđević (2016): NS ZITA, sorta soje, priznata od strane Rumunske komisije za priznavanje sorti 2202 od 10.03.2016.
- Dr Jegor Miladinović, dr Miloš Vidić (2016): NS APOLO, sorta soje, priznata od strane Rumunske komisije za priznavanje sorti 2202 od 10.03.2016.
- Dr Jegor Miladinović, dr Miloš Vidić (2016): NS SIRIUS, sorta soje, priznata od strane Rumunske komisije za priznavanje sorti 2202 od 10.03.2016.
- Dr Miloš Vidić, dr Jegor Miladinović, dr Vuk Đorđević (2016): NS FANTAST, sorta soje, priznata od strane Rumunske komisije za priznavanje sorti 2202 od 10.03.2016.
- Dr Miloš Vidić, dr Jegor Miladinović, dr Vuk Đorđević (2016): NS PRINCEZA, sorta soje, priznata od strane Rumunske komisije za priznavanje sorti 2202 od 10.03.2016.
- Miladinović J., Vidić M., Đorđević V. (2015): NS PANTERA, sorta soje, priznata od strane Ministarstva poljoprivrede i zaštite životne sredine Republike Srbije, br. 320-04-2029/2/2013-11 od 19.01.2015.
- Miladinović J., Vidić M., Đorđević V. (2015): NS VULKAN, sorta soje, priznata od strane Ministarstva poljoprivrede i zaštite životne sredine Republike Srbije, br. 320-04-2028/2/2013-11 od 19.01.2015.
- Vidić M., Miladinović J. (2015): NS ROMANSA, sorta soje, priznata od strane Ministarstva poljoprivrede i zaštite životne sredine Republike Srbije, br. 320-04-2026/2/2013-11 od 19.01.2015.
- Vidić M., Miladinović J., Đorđević, V. (2015): NS VIZIJA, sorta soje, priznata od strane Ministarstva poljoprivrede i zaštite životne sredine Republike Srbije, br. 320-04-2022/2/2013-11 od 19.01.2015.
- Vidić M., Miladinović J. (2015): FAVORIT, sorta soje, priznata od strane Ministarstva poljoprivrede i ruralnog razvoja Rumunije, broj 1717
- Vidić M., Hrustić M., Jocković Đ., Miladinović J. (2015): FORTUNA, sorta soje, priznata od strane Ministarstva poljoprivrede i ruralnog razvoja Rumunije, broj 1717
- Miladinović J., Vidić M. (2015): NS VIRTUS, sorta soje, priznata od strane Ministarstva poljoprivrede i ruralnog razvoja Rumunije, broj 1717
- Miladinović J., Vidić M. (2015): NS MAXIMUS, sorta soje, priznata od strane Ministarstva poljoprivrede i ruralnog razvoja Rumunije, broj 1717
- Miladinović J., Hrustić M. (2015): VICTORIA, sorta soje, priznata od strane Ministarstva poljoprivrede i ruralnog razvoja Rumunije, broj 1717
- Vidić M., Miladinović J. (2015): NS ZENIT, sorta soje, priznata od strane Ministarstva poljoprivrede Ukrajine, broj 150418
- Vidić M., Miladinović J. (2015): NS ALFA, sorta soje, priznata od strane Ministarstva poljoprivrede Ukrajine, broj 150415
- Miladinović J., Vidić M. (2015): NS VIRTUS, sorta soje, priznata od strane Ministarstva poljoprivrede Ukrajine, broj 150416
- Miladinović J., Vidić M. (2015): NS MAKSIMUS, sorta soje, priznata od strane Ministarstva poljoprivrede Ukrajine, broj 150417
- Vidić M., Miladinović J., Đorđević V. (2014): NS GAZELA, sorta soje, priznata od strane Ministarstva poljoprivrede, trgovine, šumarstva i vodoprivrede Republike Srbije, br. 320-04-1029/2/2012-11 od 16.01.2014.
- Miladinović J., Vidić M., Đorđević V. (2013): KRISTINA, sorta soje, priznata od strane Ministarstva poljoprivrede Ukrajine, broj 130211.
- Vidić M., Miladinović J. (2013): HORTICIJA, sorta soje, priznata od strane Ministarstva poljoprivrede Ukrajine, broj 130210.
- Vidić M., Miladinović J. (2013): FAVORIT, sorta soje, priznata od strane Ministarstva poljoprivrede Ukrajine, broj 130212.
- Miladinović J., Vidić M. (2013): NS APOLO, sorta soje, priznata od strane Ministarstva poljoprivrede, trgovine, šumarstva i vodoprivrede Republike Srbije br. 320-04-663/2/2011-11 od 18.02.2013.
- Vidić M., Miladinović J. (2013): NS KAĆA, sorta soje, priznata od strane Ministarstva poljoprivrede, trgovine, šumarstva i vodoprivrede Republike Srbije br. 320-04-662/2/2011-11 od 18.02.2013.
- Miladinović J., Vidić M., Đorđević V. (2013): NS ZITA, sorta soje, priznata od strane Ministarstva poljoprivrede, trgovine, šumarstva i vodoprivrede Republike Srbije br. 320-04-668/2/2011-11 od 18.02.2013.
- Vidić M., Miladinović J., Đorđević V. (2013): NS FANTAST, sorta soje, priznata od strane Ministarstva poljoprivrede, trgovine, šumarstva i vodoprivrede Republike Srbije br. 320-04-661/2/2011-11 od 18.02.2013.
- Vidić M., Miladinović J., Đorđević V. (2013): NS PRINCEZA, sorta soje, priznata od strane Ministarstva poljoprivrede, trgovine, šumarstva i vodoprivrede Republike Srbije br. 320-04-663/2/2011-11 od 18.02.2013.
- Vidić M., Miladinović J. (2012): FAVORIT, sorta soje, priznata od strane Ministarstva poljoprivrede Uzbekistana, rešenje broj 328.
- Vidić M., Miladinović J. (2012): NS TRIJUMF, sorta soje, priznata od strane Komisije za priznavanje sorti Rumunije, broj 2485.
- Vidić M., Miladinović J. (2012): NS SIRENA, sorta soje, pirznata od strane Ministarstva poljoprivrede, trgovine, šumarstva i vodoprivrede Republike Srbije br. 320-04-674/2/2010-11 od 13.02.2012.
- Miladinović J., Vidić M. (2012): NS OPTIMUS, sorta soje, priznata od strane, Ministarstva poljoprivrede, trgovine, šumarstva i vodoprivrede Republike Srbije br. 320-04-550/2/2010-11 od 13.02.2012.
- Miladinović J., Vidić M. (2012): NS SIRIUS, sorta soje, priznata od strane Ministarstva poljoprivrede, trgovine, šumarstva i vodoprivrede Republike Srbije br. 320-04-548/2/2010-11 od 13.02.2012
- Miladinović J., Hrustić M., Vidić M. (2011): MERKUR, sorta soje, priznata od strane Ministarstva poljoprivrede Ukrajine, broj 110480.
- Vidić M., Hrustić M., Miladinović J., Đorđević V. (2011): LUNA, sorta soje, priznata od strane Ministarstva poljoprivrede Italije, broj 12599.
- Vidić M., Hrustić M., Miladinović J., Đorđević V. (2011): GRACIA, sorta soje, priznata od strane Ministarstva poljoprivrede Belorusije, broj 2302.
- Miladinović J., Hrustić M., Vidić M. (2011): NS MERKURY, sorta soje, priznata od strane Ministarstva poljoprivrede i ruralnog razvoja Rumunije, broj 2597.
- Miladinović J., Balešević-Tubić S., Tatić M. (2011): GALINA, sorta soje, priznata od strane Ministarstva poljoprivrede i ruralnog razvoja Rumunije, broj 2599.
- Vidić M., Miladinović J. (2011): NS ALFA, sorta soje, priznata od strane Ministarstva poljoprivrede, šumarstva i vodoprivrede Republike Srbije br. 320-04-869/2/2009-11 od 11.02.2011.
- Miladinović J., Vidić M. (2011): NS VIRTUS, sorta soje, priznata od strane Ministarstva poljoprivrede, šumarstva i vodoprivrede Republike Srbije br. 320-04-873/2/2009-11 od 11.02.2011.
- Vidić M., Miladinović J. (2011): NS ZENIT, sorta soje, priznata od strane Ministarstva poljoprivrede, šumarstva i vodoprivrede Republike Srbije br. 320-04-868/2/2009-11 od 11.02.2011.
- Miladinović J., Vidić M. (2011): NS MAXIMUS, sorta soje, priznata od strane Ministarstva poljoprivrede, šumarstva i vodoprivrede Republike Srbije br. 320-04-874/2/2009-11 od 11.02.2011
- Miladinović J., Hrustić M., Vidić M. (2010): TIHANA, sorta soje, priznata od Komisije za priznavanje sorti Moldavije, broj 89.
- Miladinović J., Hrustić M., Vidić M. (2010): MELI, sorta soje, priznata od Komisije za priznavanje sorti Moldavije, broj 89.
- Miladinović J., Balešević-Tubić S., Tatić M. (2010): GALINA, sorta soje, priznata od strane Komisije za priznavanje sorti Moldavije, broj 89.
- Vidić M., Hrustić M., Miladinović J., Đorđević V. (2010): LARISA, sorta soje, priznata od strane Ministarstva poljoprivrede Ukrajine, broj 10982.
- Vidić M., Hrustić M., Jocković Đ., Miladinović J. (2010): FORTUNA, sorta soje, priznata od strane Ministarstva poljoprivrede Ukrajine, broj 10983.
- Vidić M., Miladinović J. (2010): NS FAVORIT, sorta soje, priznata od strane Ministarstva poljoprivrede, šumarstva i vodoprivrede Republike Srbije br. 320-04-2028/2/2008-08 od 19.02.2010.
- Hrustić M., Miladinović J. (2010): EMINA, sorta soje, priznata od strane Ministarstva poljoprivrede, šumarstva i vodoprivrede Republike Srbije br. 320-04-2033/2/2008-08 od 19.02.2010.
- Vidić M., Miladinović J. (2010): KINĐA, sorta soje, priznata od strane Ministarstva poljoprivrede, šumarstva i vodoprivrede Republike Srbije br. 320-04-2027/2/2008-08 od 19.02.2010.
- Hrustić M., Miladinović J., Đorđević V. (2010): ALEKSANDRA, sorta soje priznata od strane Ministarstva poljoprivrede, šumarstva i vodoprivrede Republike Srbije br. 320-04-2034/2/2008-08 od 19.02.2010.
- Miladinović J., Hrustić M., Vidić M. (2009): MERKUR, sorta soje, priznata od strane Ministarstva poljoprivrede, ribarstva i ruralnog razvoja Hrvatske. Klasa: UP/I 320-11/09-01/250, ur. broj: 525-02-1-0012/09-2.
- Hrustić M., Vidić M., Miladinović J. (2009): JULIJA, sorta soje, priznata od strane Ministarstva poljoprivrede, ribarstva i ruralnog razvoja Hrvatske. Klasa: UP/I 320-11/09-01/251, ur. broj: 525-02-1-0012/09-2.
- Hrustić M., Miladinović J. (2009): POLTAVA, sorta soje, priznata od strane Ministarstva poljoprivrede Ukrajine, br. 09001.
- Miladinović J., Balešević-Tubić S., Tatić M. (2009): GALINA, sorta soje, priznata od strane Ministarstva poljoprivrede Ukrajine, broj 09003.
- Miladinović J., Vidić M., Zemljanov A. Hrustić M. (2009): IRINA, sorta soje, priznata od strane Komisije za priznavanje sorti Rusije, broj 46683.
- Vidić M., Zemljanov A., Miladinović J. (2009): DUGA, sorta soje, priznata od strane Komisije za priznavanje sorti Rusije, broj 46685.
- Hrustić M., Vidić M., Miladinović J., Zemljanov A. (2009): TAVRIA, sorta soje, priznata od strane Komisije za priznavanje sorti Rusije, broj 47168.
- Hrustić M., Miladinović J. (2009): NEDA, sorta soje, priznata od strane Ministarstva poljoprivrede, šumarstva i vodoprivrede Republike Srbije br. 320-04-1669/2-2007-08 od 10.03.2009.
- Miladinović J., Hrustić M., Vidić M. (2009): VICTORIA, sorta soje, priznata od strane Ministarstva poljoprivrede, šumarstva i vodoprivrede Republike Srbije br. 320-04-1675/2-2007-08 od 10.03.2009.
- Vidić M., Miladinović J. (2009): TRIJUMF, sorta soje, priznata od strane Ministarstva poljoprivrede, šumarstva i vodoprivrede Republike Srbije br. 320-04-1673/2-2007-08 od 10.03.2009.
- Hrustić M., Miladinović J. (2008): TAVRIA, sorta soje, priznata od strane Ministarstva poljoprivrede Ukrajine, broj 08174.
- Miladinović J., Balešević-Tubić S., Tatić M. (2008): GALINA, sorta soje, priznata od strane Ministarstva poljoprivrede, ribarstva i ruralnog razvoja Hrvatske. Klasa: UP/I 320-11/08-01/165, ur. broj: 525-2-08-2.
- Hrustić M., Vidić M., Miladinović J., Jocković Đ. (2008): TEA, sorta soje, priznata od strane Ministarstva poljoprivrede, ribarstva i ruralnog razvoja Hrvatske. Klasa: UP/I 320-11/08-01/164, ur. broj: 525-2-08-2.
- Vidić M., Miladinović J. (2008): PRIMA, sorta soje, priznata od strane Ministarstva poljoprivrede, šumarstva i vodoprivrede Republike Srbije br. 320-04-00830/2-2006-08 od 10.03.2008.
- Miladinović J., Hrustić M., Vidić M. (2008): MERKUR, sorta soje, priznata od strane Ministarstva poljoprivrede, šumarstva i vodoprivrede Republike Srbije br. 320-04-00833/2-2006-08 od 10.03.2008.
- Hrustić M., Vidić M., Miladinović J. (2008): MARTA, sorta soje, priznata od strane Ministarstva poljoprivrede, šumarstva i vodoprivrede Republike Srbije br. 320-04-00827/2-2006-08 od 10.03.2008.
- Hrustić M., Vidić M., Miladinović J., Jocković Đ. (2007): ANA, sorta soje, priznata od strane Ministarstva poljoprivrede, ribarstva i vodnoga gospodarstva Hrvatske. Klasa: UP/I-320-11/07-01/280, ur. broj: 525-2-07-2.
- Hrustić M., Vidić M., Miladinović J. (2007): JULIJA, sorta soje, priznata od strane Ministarstva poljoprivrede, šumarstva i vodoprivrede Republike Srbije – Odeljenje za priznavanje i zaštitu sorti poljoprivrednog bilja br. 320-09-718/2-2005-06 od 22.02.2007.
- Hrustić M., Miladinović J., Vidić M. (2006): VESNA, sorta soje, priznata od strane Ministarstva poljoprivrede, šumarstva i vodoprivrede Republike Srbije – Odeljenje za priznavanje i zaštitu sorti poljoprivrednog bilja br. 320-03-680/2-2004-06 od 06.03.2006.
- Vidić M., Hrustić M., Miladinović J., Đorđević V. (2006): GRACIA, sorta soje, priznata od strane Ministarstva poljoprivrede, šumarstva i vodoprivrede Republike Srbije – Odeljenje za priznavanje i zaštitu sorti poljoprivrednog bilja br. 320-09-723/2-2005-06 od 06.03.2006.
- Miladinović J., Balešević-Tubić S., Tatić M. (2006): GALINA, sorta soje, priznata od strane Ministarstva poljoprivrede, šumarstva i vodoprivrede Republike Srbije – Odeljenje za priznavanje i zaštitu sorti poljoprivrednog bilja br. 320-03-682/2-2004-06 od 06.03.2006.
- Hrustić M., Vidić M., Miladinović J. (2005): RITA, sorta soje, priznata od strane Ministarstva poljoprivrede, šumarstva i vodoprivrede Republike Srbije br. 320-09-39/32/2-2005-06 od 15.03.2005.
- Hrustić M., Vidić M., Jocković Đ., Miladinović J. (2005): VENERA, sorta soje, priznata od strane Ministarstva poljoprivrede Bugarske, broj 12-8.
- Hrustić M., Vidić M., Jocković Đ., Miladinović J. (2005): VENERA, sorta soje, priznata od strane Ministarstva poljoprivrede Rumunije, broj /02.02.2005.
- Hrustić M., Vidić M., Jocković Đ., Miladinović J. (2005): LARA, sorta soje, priznata od strane Ministarstva poljoprivrede Ukrajine, broj 07404.
- Miladinović J., Hrustić M., Vidić M. (2005): SEDMICA, sorta soje, priznata od strane Mi nistarstva poljoprivrede Ukrajine, broj 07403.
- Hrustić M., Miladinović J., Vidić M. (2005): IVA, sorta soje, priznata od strane Ministarstva poljoprivrede, šumarstva i vodoprivrede Republike Srbije br. 320-09-39/32/3-2005-06 od 15.03.2005.
- Vidić M., Miladinović J. (2005): DUGA, sorta soje, priznata od strane Ministarstva poljoprivrede, šumarstva i vodoprivrede Republike Srbije br. 320-09-39/32/8-2005-06 od 15.03.2005.
- Miladinović J., Hrustić M., Vidić M. (2004): MELI, sorta soje, priznata od strane Ministarstva poljoprivrede Mađarske, broj 12.471/5/2004.
- Hrustić M., Vidić M., Miladinović J. (2004): MIMA, sorta soje, priznata od strane Ministarstva poljoprivrede, šumarstva i vodoprivrede Republike Srbije br. 320-09-1/86-12/2004-06 od 30.04.2004.
- Miladinović J., Hrustić M., Vidić M. (2004): MELI, sorta soje, priznata od strane, Ministarstva poljoprivrede, šumarstva i vodoprivrede Republike Srbije br. 320-09-1/86-3/2004-06 od 30.04.2004.
- Miladinović J., Hrustić M., Vidić M. (2004): TARA, sorta soje, priznata od strane Ministarstva poljoprivrede, šumarstva i vodoprivrede Republike Srbije br. 320-09-1/86-5/2004-06 od 30.04.2004.
- Vidić M., Miladinović J. (2004): BEČEJKA, sorta soje, priznata od strane Ministarstva poljoprivrede, šumarstva i vodoprivrede Republike Srbije br. 320-09-1/86-4/2004-06 od 30.04.2004.
- Hrustić M., Vidić M., Miladinović J., Jocković Đ. (2003): ANA, sorta soje, priznata od strane Saveznog zavoda za biljne i životinjske genetičke resurse br. III 01/5376-2 od 24.02.2003.
- Hrustić M., Vidić M., Jocković Đ., Miladinović J. (2003): LARA, sorta soje, priznata od strane Saveznog zavoda za biljne i životinjske genetičke resurse br. III 01/5378-2 od 24.02.2003.
- Vidić M., Hrustić M., Jocković Đ., Miladinović J. (2003): FORTUNA, sorta soje, priznata od strane Saveznog zavoda za biljne i životinjske genetičke resurse br. III 01/5375-2 od 24.02.2003.
- Hrustić M., Vidić M., Miladinović J., Jocković Đ. (2002): SANJA, sorta soje, priznata od strane Saveznog zavoda za biljne i životinjske genetičke resurse br. 4/008-092/001 od 18.02.2002.
- Vidić M., Hrustić M., Jocković Đ., Miladinović J. (2002): LASTA, sorta soje, priznata od strane Saveznog zavoda za biljne i životinjske genetičke resurse br. 4/008-092/002 od 18.02.2002.
- Hrustić M., Vidić M., Jocković Đ., Miladinović J. (2002): VENERA, sorta soje, priznata od strane Saveznog zavoda za biljne i životinjske genetičke resurse br. 4/008-092/004 od 18.02.2002.
MSc Predrag Ranđelović
Research Assistant, National Institute of the Republic of Serbia
MSc Predrag Ranđelović, Research Assistant, National Institute of the Republic of Serbia
- 2019 – Research Trainee, Department of Soybean, Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops, Novi Sad, Serbia
- 2018 – 2019, Associate on soybean breeding, Department of Soybean, Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops, Novi Sad, Serbia
Research interests:
- Soybean genetics, breeding, phenotyping, remote sensing in agriculture
Major responsibilities:
- Work on soybean breeding.
- 2017 – 2018 Master of Science, University in Novi Sad, Faculty of Agriculture, Serbia
- 2013 – 2017 Agriculture engineer, University in Novi Sad, Faculty of Agriculture, Serbia
International projects:
- 2018 – 2023 Horizon 2020 “Breeding forage and grain legumes to increase Eu’s and China’s protein self-sufficiency (EUCLEG)”, 727312, participant
- 2018 – 2023 Horizon 2020 “Increasing the efficiency and competitiveness of organic crop breeding (ECOBREED)”, 771367, participant
National projects:
- 2011-2019 “Interdisciplinary approach to developing new varieties and improving growing technology and seed processing of soybean “, TR-31022, funded by the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia, participant
- Scientific societies member: Serbian Genetic Society
Profile links:
- English
Dr. Andrej Sinjušin
Research Assistant, National Institute of the Republic of Serbia
Dr. Andrej Sinjušin, Research Assistant, National Institute of the Republic of Serbia
- since 2023 Associate in Breeding, Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops, Novi Sad, Serbia
- 2013-2023 Associate Professor, Genetics Dept., Faculty of Biology, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia
- 2009-2013 Assistant Professor, Genetics Dept., Faculty of Biology, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia
- 2004-2008 Teacher of Biology, General Secondary School #26, Moscow, Russia
Research interests:
- genetics, legumes, morphology, phenotyping, plant development, plant evolution
Major responsibilities:
- characterisation and evaluation of the annual legumes (pea, vetches, chickpea) germplasm collection in the field, maintaining lines and creating and testing of the hybrid combinations
- 2006-2010 PhD in Genetics, Faculty of Biology, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia
- 2001-2006 Specialist Programme in Biology, Faculty of Biology, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia
Post-doc, research visits, professional trainings:
- 05/2017 Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences, Sabanci University, Istanbul, Turkey, visiting scholar
- 02/2015 Center of Excellence in Genomics and Systems Biology, International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT), Hyderabad, India
International projects:
- 2021-2023 ‘Studies on reproductive strategy of Leguminosae as exemplified by a highly variable genus Astragalus in Russia and Iran’, 20-54-56046, funded by the Russian Foundation for Basic Researches and the Iran National Science Foundation, project leader
National projects:
- 2019-2020 ‘Duration of life cycle in plants exemplified by tribe Fabeae (Fabaceae): regulation and associated adaptations’, 18-34-00511, funded by the Russian Foundation for Basic Researches, project participant
- 2015-2018 ‘Structural and functional analysis of genes controlling the activity of shoot apical meristem in a garden pea (Pisum sativum L.) and related legumes’, 15-04-06374, funded by the Russian Foundation for Basic Researches, project leader
- 2013-2014 ‘Analysis of habitat fragmentation effects on plant-pollinator interactions in Central Russia’, 13-04-01967, funded by the Russian Foundation for Basic Researches, project participant
- None
Profile links:
- Russian (native)
- English (fluent)
Dr. Sonja Tančić Živanov
Principal Research Fellow, National Institute of the Republic of Serbia
Dr. Sonja Tančić Živanov, Principal Research Fellow, National Institute of the Republic of Serbia
- 2021- Principal Research Fellow, Legume Department, Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops, Novi Sad, Serbia
- 2015-2022 Senior research associate, Maize Department, Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops, Novi Sad, Serbia
- 2011-2015 Research associate, Oil Crops Department, Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops, Novi Sad, Serbia
- 2008-2011 Research assistant, Oil Crops Department, Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops, Novi Sad, Serbia
- 2005-2008 Research trainee, Laboratory for phytopathology, Maize Research Institute Zemun Polje, Belgrade, Serbia
Research interests:
- Phytopathology, monitoring and biodiversity of fungal pathogens, biological control of fungal pathogens, molecular identification of pathogens and their antagonists
Major responsibilities:
- Phytopathological characterisation and evaluation of legume genotypes in the field, bio-preparations efficacy evaluations, maintaining the collection of fungal pathogens and their antagonists
- 2005-2009 PhD in Multidisciplinary sciences – Environment Management, University of Belgrade, Serbia
- 1999-2004 BSc in Biology and environmental protection, Faculty of Biology, University of Belgrade, Serbia
Post-doc, research visits, professional trainings:
- 19/03/2017-07/04/2017 Israel’s Agency for International Development Cooperation Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MASHAV) – professional training programe „Integrated Pest Management“, Tel Aviv, Israel
- 05.09.2011-09.09.2011 Laboratory for molecular identification, Plant Protection Department, Faculty of Agronomy, Novi Sad – training „Molecular identification of soil microorganisms“
- 17.05.2011-15.06.2011 All-Russia Research Institute of Oil Crops (VNIIMK), Krasnodar, Russia – Post-Doc training in dr Lj.V. Maslienko Laboratory for Biomethods „Gradual screening of antagonists for the most common oil-crops pathogens“
National projects:
- 2023-2024 Technology Transfer Program – Evaluating the stimulating effect of Trichoderma sp. on rapeseed and white maize seed germination and early growth with aim to develop bio-product for seed viability improvement, TTP 1163 funded by Innovation Fund of Republic of Serbia, principal investigator
- 2020-2021 Proof of Concept – Evaluating the stimulating effect of Trichoderma sp. on rapeseed and white maize seed germination and early growth with aim to develop bio-product for seed viability improvement, PoC 5521 funded by Innovation Fund of Republic of Serbia, principal investigator
- 2020-2021 Optimisation of biocontrol agents production for maize protection from the most common infections in Vojvodina, Grant No. 142-451-3213/2020-01, funded by the Provincial Secretariat for Higher Education and Scientific Research, Autonomous Province of Vojvodina, Republic of Serbia, participant
- 2011-2019 Development of new varieties and improvement of new production technologies of oil crops for different purposes, TR-31025, funded by the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia, participant
- 2009-2010 Development of high-yielding sunflower genotypes Helianthus annuus L., TR-20080, funded by the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia, participant
- 2008 Research and maintenance of “CORES“ phytopathogenic fungi significant for Serbian agriculture, TR-20046, funded by the Ministry of Science and Environment, participant
- 2005-2008 Research of toxigenic Fusarium species and risk estimation of wheat contamination with fusariotoxins, TR-6826B, funded by the Ministry of Science and Environment, participant
International projects:
- 2023-2026 Horizon Europe: CROPINNO – Stepping up scientific excellence and innovation capacity for climate-resilient crop improvement and production, Grant No. 101059784, participant
- 2023- Horison 2020: ECOBREED – Increasing the efficiency and competitiveness of organic crop breeding
Grant No.771367, participant
- Scientific societies’ member: Serbian Genetic Society, Serbian Plant Protection Society, International Sunflower Association
Profile links:
- English
- Russian
Dr. Sonja Tančić Živanov, Principal Research Fellow, National Institute of the Republic of Serbia
- Babić M., Bekavac G., Stanisavljević D., Nastasić A., Mitrović B., Tančić Živanov S., Čanak P., Purar B. (2020): Maize hybrid NS 3860, Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management, Republic of Serbia. No. 320-04-02039/2/2018-11 since 10.02.2020., Belgrade
- Stanisavljević D., Mitrović B., Babić M., Tančić Živanov S., Franeta F. (2020): Maize hybrid NS 5760, Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management, Republic of Serbia. No. 320-04-02048/2/2018-11 since 10.02.2020., Belgrade
- Stanisavljević D., Babić M., Nastasić A., Tančić Živanov S., Franeta F. (2020): Maize hybrid NS 3000, Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management, Republic of Serbia No. 320-04-02044/2/2018-11 since 10.02.2020., Belgrade
- Stanisavljević D., Babić M., Mitrović B., Čanak P., Tančić Živanov S. (2020): Maize hybrid NS 2026, Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management, Republic of Serbia. No.320-04-02041/2/2018-11 since 10.02.2020., Belgrade
- Jocić S, Cvejić S, Jocković M, Miladinović D, Radeka I, Tančić Živanov S (2021): Sunflower hybrid NS Fortis, Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management, Republic of Serbia. No. 320-04-2561/2/2019-11since 8.03.2021. Belgrade
- D. Stanisavljević, B. Mitrović, G. Bekavac, S. Mikić, S. Tančić Živanov (2022): Maize hybrid NS 4090, Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management, Republic of Serbia. No. 320-44-02760/2/2020-11 since 04.03.2022. Belgrade
- Jocić, S., Cvejić, S., Jocković, M., Miklič, V., Tančić Živanov, S., Malidža, G. (2022): Sunflower hybrid NS H 8266, Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management, Republic of Serbia. No. 320-44-2850/2/2020-11 since 20.01.2022. Belgrade.
- Babić M., Stanisavljević, D., Nastasić, A., Mitrović, B., Bekavac, G., Purar, B., Tančić-Živanov, S. (2023): Maize hybrid NS 6333, Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management, Republic of Serbia. No. 320-09-02537/2/2021-11 since 23.03.2023. Belgrade
- Jocić S, Cvejić S, Jocković M, Miladinović D, Radeka I, Tančić Živanov S (2023) Sunflower hybrid NS Fortis, Ministerul agriculturii si dezvoltarii rurale, Institutul de stat pentru testarea si inregistrarea soiurilor (ISTIS) No 2572 since 30.03.2023, Bucharest, Romania.
- Cvejić S, Jocić S, Jocković M, Miladinović D, Miklič V, Tančić Živanov S (2023) Sunflower hybrid NS GVOZDEN, Ministerul agriculturii si dezvoltarii rurale, Institutul de stat pentru testarea si inregistrarea soiurilor (ISTIS) No. 2572 since 30.03.2023, Bucharest, Romania.
Dr. Ana Uhlarik
Research Assistant, National Institute of the Republic of Serbia
Dr. Ana Uhlarik, Research Assistant, National Institute of the Republic of Serbia
- Since 2022 research assistant, Legumes Department, Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops, Novi Sad, Serbia
- 2018-2022 junior research assistant, Forage Crops Department, Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops, Novi Sad, Serbia
- 2016-2018 technical associate, Forage Crops Department, Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops, Novi Sad, Serbia
Research interests:
- Processing and analysis of forage seeds, breeding of annual legumes
Major responsibilities:
- Evaluation of annual legumes in the field, analyzes of seed material, work on the development of new and improvement of existing technologies for the production of forage plants
- 2017-2023 PhD in Biotechnical Sciences, University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Agriculture, Serbia
- 2016-2017 MSc in Agricultural Engineering, University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Agriculture, Serbia
- 2010-2015 BSc in Agricultural Engineering, University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Agriculture, Serbia
Post-doc, research visits, professional trainings
- 04.06.-05.06.2019. Research visit to GabonaKutato, Cereal Research Non-Profit Ltd. and National Agricultural Research and Innovation Centre NAIK (Szeged, Hungary) within the project CORNUCOPIA
- Regional Training Course on Field Experimental Design and Data Analysis for the Advancement of Mutant Populations within the project Enhancing Productivity and Resilience to Climate Change of Major Food Crops in Europe and Central Asia, IAEA
International projects:
- 2017-2021 H2020: EUCLEG „Breeding forage and grain legumes to increase EU’s and China’s protein self-sufficiency“ 727312, participant
- 2018–2020 IPA„ Competitive sustainability of agricultural enterprises through the development of new products with added value based on alternative plant species“ – CORNUCOPIA HUSRB/1602/41/0214, young researcher
- Forage Crops Society of Serbia
- Center of excellence for legumes
Profile links:
- English (fluent)
MSc Marjana Vasiljević
Research Assistant, National Institute of the Republic of Serbia
MSc Marjana Vasiljević, Research Assistant, National Institute of the Republic of Serbia
- Since 2022 research assistant, Legumes Department, Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops,
- Novi Sad, Serbia
- 2019-2022 research trainee, Department of Soybean, Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops, Novi Sad, Serbia
- 2018-2019 associate on cultivation practices in soybean production, Department of Soybean, Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops, Novi Sad, Serbia
Research interests:
- Soybean, cultivation practices, sustainable production, cover crops, organic production, agro-ecology
Major responsibilities:
- Work in the field of cultivation practices in soybean production and agro-ecology
- Since 2019 PhD student, University in Novi Sad, Faculty of Agriculture, Serbia
- 2012-2015 MSc in agriculture, University in Novi Sad, Faculty of Agriculture, Serbia
- 2005-2012 BSc in agriculture, University in Novi Sad, Faculty of Agriculture, Serbia
International projects:
- 2023-2028 Breeding European Legumes for Increased Sustainability – Project competition of the European Commission (BELIS, 101081878), Horizon Europe, participant
- 2024-2027 Valorisation of ecosystem services provided by legume crops (VALERECO, 101135472), Horizon Europe, participant
- 2024-2028 Knowledge creation and increasing acreage of legumes in Diversified cropping systems by quantification of their ecosystem (LEGENDARY, 101135494), Horizon Europe, participant
- 2022-2026 Achieving Ecological Resilient Dynamism for the European food system through consumer-driven polices, socio-ecological challanges, biodiversity, data-driven policy, sustainable futures (ECO-READY, 101084201), Horizon Europe, participant
- 2022-2026 Carinata and camelina to boost the sustainable diversification in EU farming systems (CARINA, 101081839), Horizon Europe, participant
- 2022-2025 Stepping up scientific excellence and innovation capacity for climate-resilient crop improvement and production (CROPINNO, 101059784), Horizon Europe, participant
- 2018-2021 Translating knowledge for legume-based farming for feed and food systems (LEGUMES TRANSLATED, 817634), Horizon 2020, participant
- 2018-2023 Increasing the efficiency and competitiveness of organic crop breeding (ECOBREED, 771367), Horizon 2020, participant
Nacional projects:
- 2024-2026 Soybean yield prediction using multi-omics data integration (SoyPredict, 6788), Science Fund of the Republic of Serbia, program Prisma, participant
Profile links:
- English
- German
Dr. Sanja Vasiljević, Advisor for science
Dr. Sanja Lj. Vasiljević, Principal Research Fellow. She started working at the Institute in 1995. She graduated at the Faculty of Agriculture in Novi Sad in 1994, received her master’s degree in 1999, and PhD in 2004 at the Faculty of Agriculture in Zemun on Genetics and Breeding of Field and Vegetable Crops. She authored or co-authored about 350 scientific papers in national and international journals, as well as in proceedings from national or international conferences. Published papers are of experimental type from the field of biotechnical sciences, genetics and plant breeding, primarily red clover and other forage legumes. She participated in development of 30 cultivars (7 international and 23 national), as well as in realization of 7 cultivars of forage legumes. During her research work, she participated in several projects of the Ministry of Science, Technological Development and Innovation of the Republic of Serbia and Provincial secretariat for science and technological development of AP Vojvodina. She was the manager of one project funded by the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management of the Republic of Serbia, she managed IPA
project of cross-border cooperation between Hungary and Serbia („An interdisciplinary research on the past and present of legumes for a higher and sustainable protein production to the benefit of both Pannonian and European farmers in the future“ HUSRB/1203/214/123 the project acronym: „PEASEMAKERS“, 2015-2016), one project of bilateral cooperation with Slovakia („Preservation and sustainable utilization of wild and agricultural legume flora in Slovakia and Serbia“, 2010-2011) and participant in several international projects. Currently, she is managing a project of bilateral scientific and technological cooperation between the Republic of Serbia and the Republic of Belarus for the period 2022-2024, entitled “Metabolic profiling and pharmaceutical potential of alfalfa, clover and soybean genotypes in Belarus and Serbia: development of a methodological platform and digital metabolome libraries for scientific application”. She was assistant director for science at the Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops, Novi Sad in the period 9 December 2015 – 06 August 2018. By the Decision of Director of the Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops, Novi Sad from 23 February 2023, she was appointed the Head of Center of Excellence for Legumes.
Speaks, reads and writes Russian, English and French language.
Dr. Sanja Vasiljević, Advisor for science
- Василевич Саня, Карагич Джура, Милошевич Бранко (2018): ЛАРА, сорт клевера лугового (Trifolium pratense L.) Министерство сельского хозяйства Российской Федерации от 01.10.2018, заявка No 65652/8558501 http://reestr.gossort.com/reestr/sort/8558501
- Mikić A, Mihailović V, Vasiljević S, Milošević B, Popović V (2017). Priznata sorta ozimog boba (Vicia faba L.) NS STRIBOG, Ministarstvo poljoprivrede, šumarstva i povodprivrede, Uprava za zaštitu bilja. Registar sorti poljoprivrednog bilja, br. 320-04-03692/2014-11 od 18.10.2017.
- Mihailović V, Mikić A, Vasiljević S, Tatić M, Karagić Đ, Milić D (2016): Priznata sorta krmnog graška Kosmaj. Variety Registration and Seed Certification Center, Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Livestock. Gayret Mahallesi, Fatih Sultan Mehmet Bulvarı No:62 06172 YENIMAHALLE – ANKARA , No 2464, 18.04.2016.
- Milić D, Mihailović V, Vasiljević S, Karagić Đ (2014). Priznata sorta lucerke NS Mediana ZMS V. Royaume du Maroc, Office National de Securite Sanitarie des Produits Alimentaires, No 764, 26 December, 2014.
- Vasiljević S., Mihailović V., Mikić A. (2014): NS SANA, novostvorena sorta crvene deteline (Trifolium pratense L). Ministarstvo poljoprivrede, šumarstva i vodoprivrede Republike Srbije, Beograd, rešenje 320-04-00215/2011-11 od 24.01.2014.
- Vasiljević S., Mihailović V., Katić S., Pataki I. (2012): NS PETNICA, novostvorena sorta crvene deteline (Trifolium pratense L). Ministarstvo poljoprivrede, šumarstva i vodoprivrede Republike Srbije, Beograd, rešenje 320-04-00838/2/2010-11 od 07.12.2012.
- Vasiljević S., Karagić Dj., Milošević B. (2012): ZOJA, sorta črna detelja (Trifolium pratense L), v sortno listo Respublike Slovenije se vpiše, številka: 321-21-03-54/2005/7, 29.02.2012.
- Mikić A., Mihailović V., Vasiljević S. (2011): NS-GORICA, novostvorena sorta bele slačice (Sinapis alba L). Ministarstvo poljoprivrede, šumarstva i vodoprivrede Republike Srbije, Beograd, rešenje 320-04-00835/2010-11 od 8.11.2011.
- Васиљевић С., Лукић Д., Катић С. (2011): УНА, сорт клевера лугового. Министерство сельского хозяйства и продовольствия Республики Беларусь от 30.12.2011, заява № 2245.
- Васиљевић С., Лукић Д., Катић С. (2010): УНА, сорт конюшина лучна (червона). Министерство аграрної политики України. Державна служба з охорони прав на сорти України от 12.02.2010, заява № 10153.
- Vasiljević S., Mihailović V., Mikić A. (2010): NS-RAVANICA, novostvorena sorta crvene deteline (Trifolium pratense L). Ministarstvo poljoprivrede, šumarstva i vodoprivrede Republike Srbije, Beograd, rešenje 320-04-01936/2/2008-08 od 16.11.2010.
- Vasiljević S., Katić S., Milić D. (2010): NS-MLAVA, novostvorena sorta crvene deteline (Trifolium pratense L). Ministarstvo poljoprivrede, šumarstva i vodoprivrede Republike Srbije, Beograd, rešenje 320-04-01935/2/2008-08 od 16.11.2010.
- Mikić A., Mihailović V., Katić S., Vasiljević S. (2010): NS-ZLATNOZRNA, novostvorena sorta jare grahorice (Vicia sativa L). Ministarstvo poljoprivrede, šumarstva i vodoprivrede Republike Srbije, Beograd, rešenje 320-04-00471/2/2009-11 od 16.11.2010.
- Mihailović V., Mikić A., Vasiljević S. (2009): PERLA, novostvorena sorta obične grahorice (Vicia sativa L.). Ministarstvo poljoprivrede, šumarstva i vodoprivrede Republike Srbije, Beograd, rešenje 320-04-01933/2/2008-08 od 12.11.2009.
- Vasiljević S., Mihailović V., Mikić A. (2008): AVALA, novostvorena sorta crvene deteline (Trifolium pratense L). Ministarstvo poljoprivrede, šumarstva i vodoprivrede Republike Srbije, Beograd, rešenje 320-04-01198/2007-08 od 08.12.2008.
- Mihailović V., Mikić A., Vasiljević S. (2008): VESNA, novostvorena sorta bele lupine (Lupinus albus L.). Ministarstvo poljoprivrede, šumarstva i vodoprivrede Republike Srbije, Beograd, rešenje 320-04-01195/2/2007-08 od 08.12.2008.
- Pataki I., Mihailović V., Vasiljević S. (2007): NS ŠEĆERAC, hibrid sirka šećerca (Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench), Ministarstvo poljoprivrede, šumarstva i vodoprivrede Republike Srbije, Beograd, rešenje 320-04-01096/2/2005-06 od 05.01.2007.
- Mihailović V., Katić S., Mikić A., Vasiljević S. (2007): PERAST, sorta ozimog stočnog kelja (Brassica oleracea L. Convar. Acephala-DC). Ministarstvo poljoprivrede, šumarstva i vodoprivrede Republike Srbije, Beograd, rešenje 320-09-12945/2/2005-06 od 01.10.2007.
- Mihailović V., Vasiljević S., Mikić A. (2007): ŠARAC, novostvorena sorta krmnog boba (Vicia faba L.). Ministarstvo poljoprivrede, šumarstva i vodoprivrede Republike Srbije, Beograd, rešenje 320-04-00940/2/2006-08 od 30.11.2007.
- Mihailović V., Mikić A., Katić S., Vasiljević S. (2006): KOSMAJ, novostvorena sorta ozimog stočnog graška (Pisum sativum var. Arvense L.). Ministarstvo poljoprivrede, šumarstva i vodoprivrede Republike Srbije, Beograd, rešenje 320-09-02800/2/2004-06 od 21.09.2006.
- Lukić D., Katić S., Vasiljević S. (2005): DANKA, novostvorena sorta lucerke (Medicago sativa L.). Ministarstvo poljoprivrede, šumarstva i vodoprivrede Republike Srbije, Beograd, rešenje 320-09-39/7-5-2005-06.od 13.01.2005.
- Vasiljević S., Lukić D., Katić S. (2004): UNA, novostvorena sorta crvene deteline (Trifolium pratense L). Ministarstvo poljoprivrede, šumarstva i vodoprivrede Republike Srbije, Beograd, rešenje 320-09-1/57-2004-06.od 31.03.2004.
Section for microbiological preparations
Dr. Jelena Marinković, Head of the Section for Microbiological Preparations
- Since 2024 principal research fellow, Section for Microbiological Preparations, Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops, Novi Sad
- 2019-2024 senior research associate, Section for Microbiological Preparations, Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops, Novi Sad
- 2013-2019 research associate, Section for Microbiological Preparations, Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops, Novi Sad
- 2007-2013 research assistant, Section for Microbiological Preparations, Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops, Novi Sad
- 2001-2007 research trainee, Section for Microbiological Preparations, Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops, Novi Sad
- 2001-2007 associate, Department for soil, agroecology and fertilizers, Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops, Novi Sad
- Since 2010 Head of Section for Microbiological Preparations
Research interests:
- Microbiology; Monitoring the soil microbiological biodiversity and activity; Biological control of phytopathogenic microorganisms; Characterization and selection of bacteria as potential biopesticides, biofertilizers and biostimulators; Molecular identification and characterization of beneficial bacteria
Major responsibilities:
- Microbiological research; production of microbiological fertilizers; examination and control of microbiological fertilizers; maintaining the collection of beneficial bacteria
- 2012 PhD in Agronomy, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Belgrade, Serbia
- 2006 MSc in Agriculture, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Novi Sad, Serbia
- 2001 BSc in Biology, Faculty of Sciences, University of Novi Sad, Serbia
Professional trainings:
- 2019 Training course EU funding opportunities, European Affairs Fund of the Autonomous Province of Vojvodina
- 2011 Regional training course Standardisation of Techniques for Quality Evaluation of Solanaceous Food Crops, held at Central Food Research Institute, Budapest, Hungary, within the project RER/5/013 Evaluation of Natural and Mutant Genetic Diversity in Cereals Using Nuclear and Molecular Techniques, organized by International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
- 2010 Training course Molecular determination of soil microorganisms, Institute of Soil Science, Department of Genetic, Belgrade
International projects:
- 2024-2028 Valorisation of ecosystem services provided by legumes crops (VALERECO, 1011354272), Horizon Europe, participant
- 2024-2025 Climate Smart Soil for ZERO-CARBON farms (HUSRB/23S/11/034), Interreg IPA Hungary – Serbia, participant
- 2022-2026 Achieving Ecological Resilient Dynamism for the European food system through consumer-driven polices, socio-ecological challenges, biodiversity, data-driven policy, sustainable futures (ECO-READY, 101084201), Horizon Europe, participant
- 2021-2025 A Global Approach for Recovery of Arable Land through Improved Phytoremediation Coupled with Advanced Liquid Biofuel Production and Climate Friendly Copper Smelting Process (Phy2Climate, 101006912), Horizon 2020, participant
- 2018-2023 Increasing the efficiency and competitiveness of organic crop breeding (ECOBREED, 771367), Horizon 2020, participant
- 2022-2024 Molecular diagnostics of phytopathogens from the genus Fusarium and selection of bacterial antagonists for their biological control (337-00-00230/2022-09/07), Bilateral project Belarus-Serbia, participant
- 2018-2019 Development of new ecologically acceptable biopreparations for increasing the efficiency of symbiosis and productivity in the agroecological conditions of Serbia and Belarus (451-03-003036/2017-09/05), Bilateral project Belarus-Serbia, participant
- 2014-2017 LEGumes for the Agriculture of Tomorrow (LEGATO, 613551), FP7, participant
- 2013-2014 Development of new ecologically acceptable preparations for increasing productivity and activation of leguminous resistance (451-03-01080/02), Bilateral project Belarus-Serbia, participant
- 2013 Agriculture in cooperation with nature (CHAIN, 2012/305-189), IPA project Serbia–Croatia, participant
National projects:
- 2023-2024 Improving the effectiveness of bacterial preparations for the biological control of phytopathogenic microorganisms in the agroecological conditions of AP Vojvodina (104-401-3046/2023-1), Provincial Secretariat for Agriculture, Water Management and Forestry of AP Vojvodina, participant
- 2018 Global Assessment of the Tolerance of Field and Vegetable Crops to Hazardous and Harmful Substances in Agricultural Soils and Irrigation Water (11-114/3690-1), Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management of the Republic of Serbia, participant
- 2018 Soil Quality Monitoring (09-103/4428), City Administration for Environmental Protection Novi Sad, participant
- 2017 Soil preparation for planting grape vines in the Vranje Viticulture Region (401-00-01502/1/2017-14), Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management of the Republic of Serbia, participant
- 2017 Fertility control and content of dangerous and harmful substances in soil under vineyards of Pocersko-Valjevo Viticulture Region (401-00-01503/1/2017-14), Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management of the Republic of Serbia, participant
- 2016-2020 Sustainable production of plant proteins: soybean, microorganisms, response to climate change (114-451-2739/2016), Provincial Secretariat for Higher Education and Scientific Research of AP Vojvodina, project manager
- 2016 Soil characteristics of the Niš Viticulture Region (401-00- 01515/3/2016-14), Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management of the Republic of Serbia, participant
- 2016 Soil preparation for planting grape vines, Mlava Viticulture Region (401-00-01509/3/2016-14), Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management of the Republic of Serbia, participant
- 2015 Soil characterisation for designation of wine geographical origin – vineyard region Tri Morave (401-00- 01238/3/2015-14), Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management of the Republic of Serbia, participant
- 2014-2015 Application of microbiological fertilizers in conditions of climate change (114-451-1234/2014), Provincial Secretariat for Higher Education and Scientific Research of AP Vojvodina, project manager
- 2014 Vineyard soil characterisation for designation of wine geographical origin – pilot project for Šumadija vineyard region (401-00–01762/2014-14), Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management of the Republic of Serbia, participant
- 2014 Improvement of soil quality in vineyards and fruit and vine nurseries in the Republic of Serbia (401- 00-01764/2014-14), Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management of the Republic of Serbia, participant
- 2013 Potentials of the Republic of Serbia regarding soil quality for organic farming (401-00-00824/2013-14), Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management of the Republic of Serbia, participant
- 2011-2020 Interdisciplinary approach to developing new varieties and improving growing technology and seed processing of soybean (TR31022), Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia, participant
- 2011-2019 State, Tendencies and Possibilities of Increasing Fertility of Agricultural Soils of Vojvodina (TR31072), Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development, participant
- 2008-2011 Improvement and development of soybean breeding and production technology (TR20094), Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia, participant
- 2005-2007 Breeding and development of grain legumes and onions production technologies according to quality standards (TR6892B), Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia, participant
- Center of Excellence for Legumes
- Serbian Association of Microbiologists
- Serbian Society of Soil Science
- Federation of European Microbiological Societies (FEMS)
Profile links:
- English
Dr. Jelena Marinković, Head of the Section for Microbiological Preparations
- Кандекинскаја Л. Олга, Гришћенко Р. Елена, Хрипач А. Владимир, Жабинскиј Н. Владимир, Антохина П. Светлана, Бјелић Драгана, Маринковић Јелена, Ђукић Војин (2021). Биокомплекс для предпосевной обработки семян сои, Нацыянальны цэнтрінтэлектуальнай уласнасці Республики Беларусь. Број патента 23639, датум регистрације 28.12.2021 (пријава број 20200083, датум пријаве 12.03.2020.)
- Ignjatov M, Milošević D, Bjelić D, Tamindžić G, Nikolić Z, Marinković J, Gvozdanović Varga J (2019). Optimizacija metode za identifikaciju Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cepae BL7_ FUSOCP (seq. KX092466.1). NCBI Gene Probe Pr032825950. Tehničko rešenje priznato od strane Ministarstva prosvete, nauke i tehnološkog razvoja Republike Srbije u kategoriji novo tehničko rešenje (nije komercijalizovano).
- Ignjatov M, Milošević D, Tamindžić G, Nikolić Z, Bjelić D, Marinković J, Gvozdanović Varga J (2019). Optimizacija metode za identifikaciju Fusarium verticillioides BL4_FUSVER (seq. KX092464.1). NCBI Gene Probe Pr032825949. Tehničko rešenje priznato od strane Ministarstva prosvete, nauke i tehnološkog razvoja Republike Srbije u kategoriji novo tehničko rešenje (nije komercijalizovano).
- Vasin J, Ninkov J, Milić S, Marinković J, Jakšić S, Čanak P, Gavrić M (2019). Strateško upravlјanje podacima o kvalitetu zemlјišta na primeru opštine Bački Petrovac – akronim „SKUP“. Tehničko rešenje priznato od strane Ministarstva prosvete, nauke i tehnološkog razvoja Republike Srbije u kategoriji novo tehničko rešenje primenjeno na nacionalnom nivou.
- Marinković J, Bjelić D, Ignjatov M, Balešević-Tubić S, Nikolić Z, Milošević D, Ninkov J (2018). Bradyrhizobium japonicum primer set probe BJ-16_BRAJAP for strain Bj16 16S ribosomal RNA gene (KY000643.1). NCBI Gene Probe Pr032826414. Tehničko rešenje priznato od strane Ministarstva prosvete, nauke i tehnološkog razvoja Republike Srbije u kategoriji novo tehničko rešenje (nije komercijalizovano).
- Bjelić D, Marinković J, Ignjatov M, Nikolić Z, Balešević-Tubić S, Milošević D, Ninkov J (2018). Bacillus subtilis primer set probe B-5_BACSUB for strain B5 16S ribosomal RNA gene (KU953925.1). NCBI Gene Probe Pr032826413. Tehničko rešenje priznato od strane Ministarstva prosvete, nauke i tehnološkog razvoja Republike Srbije u kategoriji novo tehničko rešenje (nije komercijalizovano).
- Marinković J, Bjelić D, Balešević-Tubić S, Nikolić Z, Ignjatov M, Tintor B (2016). Primena efektivnih sojeva azotofiksirajućih bakterija Bradyrhizobium japonicum u proizvodnji soje. Tehničko rešenje priznato od strane Ministarstva prosvete, nauke i tehnološkog razvoja Republike Srbije u kategoriji novo tehničko rešenje primenjeno na međunarodnom nivou.
Dr. Dragana Miljaković
Senior Research Associate, National Institute of the Republic of Serbia
Dr. Dragana Miljaković, Senior Research Associate, National Institute of the Republic of Serbia
- 2020-present Senior Research Associate, Section for Microbiological Preparations, Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops, Novi Sad
- 2015-2020 Research Associate, Section for Microbiological Preparations, Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops, Novi Sad
- 2011-2015 Research Assistant, Section for Microbiological Preparations, Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops, Novi Sad
- 2009-2011 Research Trainee, Section for Microbiological Preparations, Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops, Novi Sad
Research interests:
- Microbiology; Monitoring the soil microbiological biodiversity and activity; Biological control of phytopathogenic microorganisms; Characterization and selection of bacteria as potential biopesticides, biofertilizers and biostimulators;
Major responsibilities:
- Microbiological research; production of microbiological fertilizers; examination and control of microbiological fertilizers; maintaining the collection of beneficial bacteria
- 2010-2014 PhD in Agronomy, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Novi Sad, Serbia
- 2009-2010 MSc in Agriculture, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Novi Sad, Serbia
- 2003-2008 BSc in Biology, Faculty of Sciences, University of Novi Sad, Serbia
Professional trainings:
- 2019 European Affairs Fund of the Autonomous Province of Vojvodina – training course “EU funding opportunities”;
- 2011 Laboratory for molecular determination, Department of Plant Protection, Faculty of Agriculture in Novi Sad – training course “Molecular determination of soil microorganisms”;
International projects:
- 2021-2025 A Global Approach for Recovery of Arable Land through Improved Phytoremediation Coupled with Advanced Liquid Biofuel Production and Climate Friendly Copper Smelting Process (Phy2Climate). HORIZON 2020, No. 101006912 (Participant)
- 2018-2023 Increasing the efficiency and competitiveness of organic crop breeding (ECOBREED). HORIZON 2020, No. 771367 (Participant)
- 2022-2024 Molecular diagnostics of phytopathogens from the genus Fusarium and selection of bacterial antagonists for their biological control. Bilateral project Belarus-Serbia, No. 337-00-00230/2022-09/07 (Project leader)
- 2020-2021 Development of effective biopreparations for increasing the productivity of new fodder pea genotypes in sustainable production systems in Belarus and Serbia. Bilateral project Belarus-Serbia, No. 377-00-00216/2019-09/03 (Participant)
- 2018-2019 Development of new ecologically acceptable biopreparations for increasing the efficiency of symbiosis and productivity in the agroecological conditions of Serbia and Belarus. Bilateral project Belarus-Serbia, No. 451-03-003036/2017-09/05 (Project leader)
- 2014-2017 LEGumes for the Agriculture of Tomorrow (LEGATO). Seventh Framework Programme – FP7, No. 613551 (Participant)
National projects:
- 2023-2024 Improving the effectiveness of bacterial preparations for the biological control of phytopathogenic microorganisms in the agroecological conditions of AP Vojvodina. Provincial Secretariat for Agriculture, Water Management and Forestry, No. 104-401-3046/2023-1 (Project leader)
- 2011-2019 State, Tendencies and Possibilities of Increasing Fertility of Agricultural Soils of Vojvodina. Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development, No. TR31072 (Participant)
- 2011-2019 Improving maize and sorghum production under stress. Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development, No. TR31073 (Participant)
- 2016-2019 Sustainable production of plant proteins: soybean, microorganisms, response to climate change. Provincial Secretariat for Higher Education and Scientific Research, No. 114-451-2739/2016 (Participant)
- 2018 Global Assessment of the Tolerance of Field and Vegetable Crops to Hazardous and Harmful Substances in Agricultural Soils and Irrigation Water. Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management, No. 11-114/3690-1 (Participant)
- 2018 Soil Suality Monitoring. City Administration for Environmental Protection Novi Sad, No. 09-103/4428 (Participant)
- 2017 Soil preparation for planting grape vines in the Vranje Viticulture Region. Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management, No. 401-00-01502/1/2017-14 (Participant)
- 2017 Fertility control and content of dangerous and harmful substances in soil under vineyards of Pocersko-Valjevo Viticulture Region. Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management, No. 401-00-01503/1/2017-14 (Participant)
- 2016 Soil characteristics of the Niš Viticulture Region. Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management, No. 401-00- 01515/3/2016-14 (Participant)
- 2016 Soil preparation for planting grape vines, Mlava Viticulture Region. Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management, No. 401-00-01509/3/2016-14 (Participant)
- 2014 Application of microbiological fertilizers in conditions of climate change. Provincial Secretariat for Higher Education and Scientific Research, No. 114-451- 1234/2014 (Participant)
- 2009-2010 Increasing the Productivity of Agricultural Soils in the Function of Sustainable Development. Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development, No. TR20082 (Participant)
- Center of Excellence for Legumes
- Serbian Association of Microbiologists
- Serbian Society of Soil Science
- Federation of European Microbiological Societies (FEMS)
Profile links:
- English
- Russian
Dr. Dragana Miljaković, Senior Research Associate, National Institute of the Republic of Serbia
- Marinković J, Bjelić D, Ignjatov M, Balešević-Tubić S, Nikolić Z, Milošević D, Ninkov J (2018). Bradyrhizobium japonicum primer set probe BJ-16_BRAJAP for strain Bj16 16S ribosomal RNA gene (KY000643.1). NCBI Gene Probe Pr032826414.
- Bjelić D, Marinković J, Ignjatov M, Nikolić Z, Balešević-Tubić S, Milošević D, Ninkov J (2018). Bacillus subtilis primer set probe B-5_BACSUB for strain B5 16S ribosomal RNA gene (KU953925.1). NCBI Gene Probe Pr032826413.
- Ignjatov M, Nikolić Z, Bjelić D, Milošević D, Petrović G, Jovičić D, Gvozdanović-Varga J (2017). Fusarium tricinctum primer set probe BL12-5_FUSTR for strain BL12 translation elongation factor 1-alpha (tef1) gene (KX611146.1). NCBI Gene Probe Pr032825844.
- Ignjatov M, Nikolić Z, Bjelić D, Milošević D, Petrović G, Jovičić D, Gvozdanović-Varga J (2017). Fusarium acuminatum primer set probe BL20-JBL539_FUSAC for strain JBL539 translation elongation factor 1-alpha (tef1) gene (KX752419.1). NCBI Gene Probe Pr032825845.
- Ignjatov M, Nikolić Z, Bjelić D, Milošević D, Petrović G, Jovičić D, Gvozdanović-Varga J (2017). Fusarium proliferatum primer set probe BL2_FUSPROLF for isolate B2 translation elongation factor 1-alpha (tef1) gene (KX092462.1). NCBI Gene Probe Pr032825948.
- Ignjatov M, Nikolić Z, Bjelić D, Milošević D, Petrović G, Jovičić D, Gvozdanović-Varga J (2017). Fusarium verticillioides primer set probe BL4_FUSVER for isolate B4 translation elongation factor 1-alpha-like (tef1) gene (KX092464.1). NCBI Gene Probe Pr032825949.
- Ignjatov M, Nikolić Z, Bjelić D, Milošević D, Petrović G, Jovičić D, Gvozdanović-Varga J (2017). Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cepae primer set probe BL7_FUSOCP for isolate B7 translation elongation factor 1-alpha (tef1) gene (KX092466.1). NCBI Gene Probe Pr032825950.
- Marinković J, Bjelić D, Balešević-Tubić S, Nikolić Z, Ignjatov M, Tintor B (2016). Primena efektivnih sojeva azotofiksirajućih bakterija Bradyrhizobium japonicum u proizvodnji soje.
Branislava Tintor, BSc
Senior Technical Assistant, National Institute of the Republic of Serbia
BSc Branislava Tintor, Senior Technical Assistant, National Institute of the Republic of Serbia
Branislava Tintor, BSc, Senior Technical Associate. Started working at Department for Soybean and Agroecology in 2004. Appointed Senior Technical Associate in 2017. Authored or co-authored 70 research papers and 1 technical solution.
BSc Branislava Tintor, Senior Technical Assistant, National Institute of the Republic of Serbia
- Marinković J, Bjelić D, Balešević-Tubić S, Nikolić Z, Ignjatov M, Tintor B (2016). Primena efektivnih sojeva azotofiksirajućih bakterija Bradyrhizobium japonicum u proizvodnji soje.
MSc Jelica Veselić
Technical Assistant, National Institute of the Republic of Serbia
MSc Jelica Veselić, Technical Assistant, National Institute of the Republic of Serbia
MSc Jelica Veselić (née Skrobonja) research trainee, works at the Soybean Department since 2012.